A Simpler Motherhood

Secure your Mask

Secure your own mask before securing others.  We have all heard this analogy before.  If you don’t secure your mask first, you might not be able to get your mask on in time.  I know I am in need of a break when I am securing everyone else’s masks except for my own.  Sound familiar?

As mommas, we get the incredible privilege of serving our families day in and day out.  We get to love them, make them meals, read the same book thirteen times in an hour, kiss imaginary ‘owies’, and give of ourselves all day long. And it’s good, really good…most days.  But it’s also hard and exhausting and sometimes it can make us weary.  Whenever I get that weary feeling deep in my bones and I’ve let a deep sigh slip for the fifth time during lunch, I know it’s time to secure my mask.

Securing my own mask looks like a coffee date alone.  It looks like a good book in my hands and a hot cup of coffee by my side.  It looks like moving my body in the early mornings before my babies wake.  It looks like a date with my husband.  It looks like writing at a coffee shop.  It looks like meeting a friend to chat.  I feel reenergized and ready to love my people when I take a little time to secure my mask.

A few weeks back, I did something big to secure my mask.  My sweet husband and I took a trip, just the two of us, to have some fun and spend a load of time together.  We had time to connect so our marriage can continue to thrive.  We are the kind of people who like to be together and to travel, so that’s what we do.  We have great grandparents who love to watch our kids, so it is a win-win-win for everyone.

Friends, it was so incredibly good.  My cup was filled to overflowing.  We talked about big things and little things, about our family, our future.  We had time to ponder and linger and just enjoy one another.  My cup is still full to the brim.

How do you need to secure your mask?  Take time to write down or think about three things that make you feel happy, refreshed, or calm.  Write them down or put them in your notes app.  Try and do one of those things each week for yourself.  Even if it’s getting up five minutes earlier to have a cup of coffee before you have children to feed.  Think about it, write it down, and then do it.  It’s worth it, friends.  Secure your mask so you can secure those cute, wonderful little humans’ masks.  It’s worth it.