A Simpler Motherhood

Favorite (Simple) Family Resources

Consuming blogs and books and podcasts has helped me to learn and grow and figure out what works for my family when it comes to simple living.  There are a million ideas and lifestyles and ways of doing things out there.  I enjoy reading and listening to how other people do life and what they have learned along the way.

I have compiled a list of some of my favorite simple living resources specifically for families.  We have three littles and simple living looks a bit different for us than it does for a twenty-something with no kids.

Favorite Family Resources

Here are some of my favorites:


Becoming Minimalist is a blog written by Joshua Becker.  He covers simplifying, decluttering, and presents lots of compelling research and statistics on the topic of stuff, consumerism, and the impact of simplifying.  He also loves Jesus, so I’m a big fan.  A few favorites to get you started: 15 Clutter Busting Routines For Any Family8 Reasons Successful People Are Choosing to Wear the Same Thing Everyday, and Why Fewer Toys Will Benefit Your Kids.

Simple As That is a blog I recently found written by Rebecca, a momma of four.  She has a team of writers, so there are always new perspectives.  She writes about motherhood, photography, food, travel, and her pictures are so pretty.  Check out If I Had To Do Over, I’d Still Do These 5 Things As a Mom and What If All I Want for My Kids Is An Ordinary Life?

Although The Art of Simple is changing a bit and broadening their topics to include more than just simple living, the archives are FULL of great pieces about simple living.  There are incredible articles on family life, travel, and home.  Tsh Oxenreider is the creator of this community and I’m not sure I could love her any more.  Some of my favorite posts include: Children Need Unstructured PlaySaying Yes, and 9 Ways to encourage your kids to live simply.

Okay, I need to tell you about one more.  Erin Loechner is one of my favorite online ‘friends’.  She is a momma of two and undeniably real.  Her writing over at Design for Mankind is heartfelt and breathtaking (really) and she teaches me so much.  Check out: Playtime at Home: A Creativity Reset for the Littles and Up for Air.


Back to Joshua Becker.  You have heard me talk about him SO much.  His book Clutterfree with Kids is laid out simply and is incredibly easy to read.  Becker gives us the why behind showing our kids a simpler life as well as practical advice.

Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne and Lisa Ross is my favorite parenting book.  If you have been around me long, you have heard me talk about this book.  It’s not just about decluttering, but presents a simpler lifestyle for our kids.  I can’t recommend this book enough.

Organized Simplicity is a super easy-to-read book on living an intentional life and organizing your home.  It was Tsh Oxenreider’s first book and it’s a quick read if you really want to dig in and make some big changes.


Allie Casazza is a mom of four who has written a plethora of blog content, created courses on simple living, and is now putting out a podcast called The Purpose Show.  She is super passionate about moms finding joy in their motherhood.

Denaye Barahona has a P.H.D in child development.  She talks about simple living with small kids on her podcast Simple Families.  Although I don’t buy into everything she talks about, she has a lot of wisdom when it comes to kids.  I take bits and pieces from what she says to incorporate into my family.

The Edit Your Life podcast is co-hosted by two women who discuss getting rid of the unnecessary to make more room for the awesome.  They talk about an array of topics and although I don’t listen to every single one, they have a vast archive to go back and find episodes on practically anything.

I hope you can find something of value from this list of my favorite resources for families when it comes to simple living.  What are some of your favorites?