A Simpler Motherhood

Book List for Fall and Winter

Whenever fall rolls around, I seem to have a bit more time on my hands.  Without the weeding, the trimming, the mowing, the minutes and hours add up.  A few months later when snow and boots and freezing temps are the norm, there is even more time to spend indoors snuggled up.  Reading is one way I enjoy the gift of time in fall and winter.  And a book list for these months just makes sense.

book list

This past summer I created a Summer Book List and it is one of the smartest things I have done as a reading mom.  It helped me avoid getting paralyzed with what to read next.  I simply went to the list and the list told me what to read next.  It took some upfront planning, but it was well worth the effort to always have something on my end table to get lost in.  Today I want to share some books on my list for the upcoming hibernation months.  Here we go:

Book List


A Place for Us: A Novel

The Wildling Sisters

The Great Alone: A Novel

Anne of Green Gables


The Great Gatsby

Pilgrim’s Progress

The Bees


Remember God

Cozy Minimalist Home

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery

An Intentional Life

The Read Aloud Family


Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Deep Work

If you have any recommendations, I would love to hear them.  Winter is long and I’m not sure this list is long enough.

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