A Simpler Motherhood

10 Reasons We Love Daddy

Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16. While it doesn’t get noticed as much as the big Mom day in May, in my mind it is just as important. Dads are in on this parenting gig, too, and they deserve a whole lot of love and maybe even an afternoon without a honey-do list.

I’ve been blessed with some pretty great Dads in my life: my Dad, my Grandpa, my Great-Grandpa, my father-in-law, and my sweet husband. They have all loved me well. And three of them love my kids well this side of heaven. My Grandpa and Great-Grandpa are with Jesus now and I know they are loving my kids from afar. Their legacies still touch my kids lives today with the way they loved their families well.

10 Reasons we love Daddy

Dads matter to our world. They matter to our kids, to us, and are vital in determining how the next generation is going to live and love and thrive.

If you’re unsure what to get the Dad in your life, think about a simple list of reasons you love them. I had my kids share with me 10 reasons they love Daddy and thought I would share. It could be from you or your kids, but I promise it will mean a lot. As you will see below, it doesn’t have to be deep…

Why I Love Daddy by Luke

I love Daddy because I like when he takes me on dates.

I love him because he is the best Daddy I ever had.

I love Daddy because he cuddles with me.

I love him because I like to ride the tractor with him.

Why I Love Daddy by Lily

I love Daddy because he cuddles me in my bed.

I love him because when he has a birthday he shares cake with me.

I love Daddy because he colors with me.

I love him because he cuddles on the couch with me.

Why I love Daddy by Jude (submitted by Luke and Lily)

Jude loves Daddy because he makes him eggs. -Lily

Jude loves Daddy because Daddy takes him on tractor rides. -Luke

Grab some paper, make a homemade card, and tell the Dad in your life why you love them. Dads could use a bit of encouragement, too.

Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads out there and a special shout out to the man my kids call Daddy! You matter!

1 thought on “10 Reasons We Love Daddy

  1. Those homemade cards are keepers! Great idea—I’ll try it with the twins!😊

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