A Simpler Motherhood

Current Pregnant Thoughts

Friends, this baby is almost here. I am presently writing this post in a Starbucks after my 38 week appointment. I am dilated 2.5 centimeters, but baby still hasn’t dropped. The current plan is to induce on August 1, assuming baby makes his way down before then.

And I am ready. Ready to get things rolling. Ready to meet our son. Ready to sleep on my back again. Ready to experience the beautiful birth process for the fourth time.

Here are my random pregnant thoughts (that are almost completely useless), but here they are nonetheless…

My body is sore all the time. It’s as if I’m attending a Cross Fit class every day, but in reality I’m sitting on my couch eating Italian ices and taking naps while the kids have ‘rest time’.

I love being pregnant and having babies. I take the good drugs at the hospital, so the birth process isn’t too terribly hard on me. I sometimes joke if every birth was like Lily and Jude, I could have babies for a living. However, being pregnant this time around hasn’t been a walk in the park and I think it might be my ‘magic’ age which classifies this pregnancy as a geriatric pregnancy. I had a good friend remind me to enjoy all the kicks and movement because once he’s out, he’s out.

Gelato and decaf cascara lattes are two of my favorite things at the moment, both of which I will probably have to cut out sometime soon.

When people call me ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ I am tempted to roll my eyes because I don’t feel cute when I can’t tie my own shoes. And then I remember how kind these people are and how cute I think pregnant women are. I am learning to take those sweet words as encouragement and sit in them a moment instead of completely shooting the compliments down.

I would really love to go into labor on my own. I went into labor with Lily without any help and it was a bit magical. I have realistic expectations about being induced, but it would be a special treat for it to be a surprise.

I’m not sure what I would do without slide sandals at the moment. They are pretty much saving my life. Kevin and I took Luke to the zoo on a hot afternoon and he had to put on my socks and shoes and tie them. I’m not sure he has ever had to do that with any of our other babies. This babe could be a big one, friends.

Kevin is my better half and I say that whole heartedly. I can’t count how many times he has done things for me these past 9 months that I couldn’t do for myself. He is my biggest supporter, caretaker, and loves me in a big way. I feel so lucky to have him by my side through this whole shebang.

I’m a little nervous about the sleep situation when baby gets here. We have survived three newborns, but for some reason not sleeping much has me biting my fingernails. The rock in play recall has initiated a lot of my anxiety, but I’m hoping the bassinet we purchased will be sufficient those first several weeks.

I have THE best friends. I have girlfriends checking on me, praying for me, filling my freezer, gifting me cute baby things. I am blessed beyond measure to have a whole crew of women ready to love on me and baby when he gets here.

I can’t wait to see my kids with this new babe. Luke and Lily really grasp we are having a baby and they have kissed him, named him (Toto, Blue Berry, and T-Rex are my favorite), and prayed for him. It will be an adjustment, but I can’t wait for them to meet their brother.

Since it’s hard for me to get in and out of the bath, hot showers have been my go-to. It’s part of my nightly routine I have enjoyed these past few months and I have a feeling it could go away once babe is here.

Sleeping is laughable at this point. I can’t wait to sleep on my back again, even if I am getting up every few hours. I know, be careful what I wish for.

Sometimes I am in awe of the love and support we have from our families. Even though this isn’t our first rodeo, they are literally helping us in big and small ways and I couldn’t be more grateful. I know our bigs will be well taken care of while we are in the hospital and our families will love and dote on the new guy when he comes home.

I will miss a lot about being pregnant (like the gelato and back rubs), but I will have the prize of a baby in my arms when it’s all said and done. We are ready for you little man.