I’m writing this in June. In an Airbnb about 45 minutes from our humble farm house. Yesterday was almost 90 and sunny and today it’s barely 70 and cloudy. Summer in the midwest is unpredictable. It’s also lots of other things. It’s carefree days at the swimming hole and long nights catching fireflies. Summer is freedom and whimsy and spontaneous popsicles at 10 a.m. Since I am smack dab in the middle of summer, I want to meditate on how I can savor it a month from now. How I can hold tight to all the good and glorious. Let’s talk 10 Ways to Savor Summer.

10 Ways to Savor Summer
Say yes.
All those things you have been saying no to all summer. Say yes, at least once. Yes to the pool when it opens. Yes to ice cream before lunch. Even yes to a movie marathon. If you want to take it a step further, watch Yes Day and then make all your kids’ dreams come true (within reason).
Check things off.
Did you make a Summer Bucket List? If you’re like me, it could have been forgotten exactly two weeks after you wrote ‘Go to splash pad’ along with 20 other things you wanted to do this summer. Dig it back out and make a commitment to check things off these last days of summer.
Be spontaneous.
One morning when you’ve had enough coffee, decide to be spontaneous. Take a short road trip to the museum you’ve been wanting to check out. Surprise Grandma and Grandpa with a visit. Splurge and take the kids to the water park. Being spontaneous creates priceless memories for your entire family.
Pretend you’re on vacation.
Take a day or two and pretend your family is on vacation. Sleep late, get take out, make s’mores by the fire (or in the microwave). Whatever you usually do on vacation, try and replicate at home. For our family it looks like exploring somewhere new in the morning, a relaxing afternoon, and a fun kid-chosen dinner.

Ease back into routines.
Whether we like it or not, fall is coming, along with the rhythms and routines to go with it. Let’s make it easier on ourselves and ease back into it. Choose one thing to begin now. Start with an earlier wake time or putting real clothes on each day or moving bedtimes up. When we ease back into routines, it allows our bodies and brains to adjust slowly and ready ourselves for the upcoming season.
Date our kids.
Before the pools close and school begins, let’s date our kids. Schedule one-on-one time for each kid, making sure to get input from each kid on what an ideal date would be. For our family, scheduling one-on-one time is not easy and requires planning and intentionality. I am getting it on the calendar now before time gets away from us.

Plan the get together.
Who is it you want to see this summer? Girlfriends? A family down the street? Those friends you don’t see when school is in session? Send a text now and invite them over or plan a time to get together at the park or pool. Summer can get full, but we will never regret making time for people who matter to us.
Begin something new.
What is something you’ve been wanting to begin, but never have time for? Working out? Quiet time? Reading fiction? Walking? If summer is a bit slower, decide to begin the new thing now so when things pick up, it’s close to becoming a habit.
Take time to give.
Life is lived most fully when we give to others. Where can you give of yourself today? Maybe it’s right in your home; making your husband’s favorite meal. Maybe it’s in your neighborhood; delivering a meal to a new mom. Or maybe it’s in your church or city; loving on others by filling a food pantry or serving meals or holding babies. Take time to give to others. I promise you will get more out of it than you put in.
Purge summer things.
This may be fun for some and really not fun for others. Whatever camp you lie in, it’s still valuable. Carve out an hour to go through and purge summer stuff. Life jackets that no longer fit, broken flip flops, unused sand toys, too short dresses and shorts. If we didn’t use the things this summer, there is a pretty good chance we won’t use them next summer. Of course there are always outliers, but for the most part we can purge a lot of our unused summer items now.
Do the one thing.
What lights you up in the summer? Is it a book, a cold drink, and a quiet afternoon? Maybe it’s an adults only pool day or staying up late to look at the stars. Whatever lights you up, make time for it in the next few weeks. God gave us this one big, beautiful life to live. Let’s live it fully, never taking a day for granted. Do the one thing.

These are just 10 Ways to Savor Summer. There are many ways to hold tight to this magical season. How will you savor summer?
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