August is the Sunday of Summer. While we savor these last days, I want to share what I’m loving in August.
What I’m Loving in August
Harvest Time
It’s the time of year when we are harvesting like crazy from the garden. Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, peppers, sweet corn from across the road. It’s a small window of abundance and it reminds me to be grateful for this bountiful earth God has so generously given us.

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
This novel is heartbreaking, excellently written, and hopeful all at the same time. I have enjoyed all of Kristin Hannah’s work and this is no exception. While it took me longer than I’d like to read this one because #life, I relished each minute I was able to sit in the corner of the couch with this book in my hands. I absolutely need a next read recommendation, so if you have any, send them my way!
While we have been trucking away at school for over a month now, we eased back into our rhythms. Now that it’s the end of August, we have our fall rhythms mostly in place. There is something comforting and peaceful about knowing what to expect and moving through the day with underlying rhythms. Breakfast, chores, school, morning basket, reading time, outside, lunch, reading lessons, screen time, quiet time. Rhythms eliminate the need for some decisions throughout the day and I am grateful for that.

Leggings again
As the weather slowly turns, so does my wardrobe. I have been pulling out my leggings more often these days and have realized I probably need one more pair to get me through the fall and winter since they are a daily staple. I have gone back and forth between Lululemon and everything else. I have decided Lululemon leggings last me the longest while there is almost always something a little off with any other pair I purchase. They are back in my dresser.
I didn’t grow up playing soccer, but I am learning the game alongside my kids. Our two bigs are playing this fall season and I am looking forward to watching them do something they both enjoy.
Summer is coming to a close and there is so much to love about the changing of the seasons. What are you loving in August?