Where do I begin and how do I choose? There is so much to love about this time of year. Here is my narrowed down list of What I’m Loving in December.

What I’m Loving in December
The Tree
I couldn’t not begin with this one because it’s simply true. Having the Christmas tree up to gaze at is one of my favorite things about this time of year. It’s also a great symbol of me letting go of control. My kids took the reins this year with decorating the tree and although I wanted to micromanage where the ornaments went, I let Jesus (and the kids) take the wheel. They did a good job and knowing they worked hard on it makes looking at it that much sweeter.
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel
When I had babies and toddlers, my nails never were rarely (if ever) painted. Now that I have a few more minutes in the day, I sometimes get the chance to paint my nails. It brings me a bit of joy and makes me feel a little more put together. It takes me about 45 minutes start to finish and lasts a little over a week. When a nail salon isn’t in the cards, this polish is a great substitute.
Time Together and Apart
Last week my husband and I got away together. It was wonderful and restful and reflective and always gives us a renewed appreciation for our babes and our life together. Before we left, we were intentional with spending quality, distraction free time as a family. Knowing we were going to be away made us more intentional and strategic with our time with our babes. Absence makes the heart grow fonder is cliche, but true. Now that we are back, I’m soaking up all the fun, festive things we will do together as a family during this season.

Goat Cheese
Okay, this is obvious, but I have been loving it {extra} lately. While I type this, I am currently smothering some goat cheese with honey on gluten free crackers. If there is something on the menu with goat cheese, I order it. If there is goat cheese at a gathering, I eat it. If there is a recipe with goat cheese in it, I try it. I indulge a little more this time of year and I never regret splurging on this treat.
A friend shared a recipe for Roasted Carrots with Candied Pecan and Goat Cheese with our Cooking Club last month. We tried it out for Thanksgiving and you better believe it was my favorite thing on the menu. Maybe because it had goat cheese? Probably. Yes. If you need a side dish, this. is. it.
Lowering the Lights
This time of year it is dark, like really dark, at our house a little before 5:00. There is part of me that is a little upset about this and another part of me that wants to embrace it. Instead of fighting back with all the artificial lights, I have been leaning into it a bit more. Our bodies weren’t meant to take in light all day. So after dinner each night, I turn off as many lights as makes sense and light candles and turn on twinkle lights instead. It slows the movement around our home and allows us to ease into our nighttime routine. Our biological clocks have been thanking us for this small practice with better sleep.
There are so many things to love about this time of year. What are you loving in December?