A Simpler Motherhood

What I’m Loving in May

There is no way around it: May is full of possibility. It’s new life and colorful blooms and the anticipation of a summer of adventure. Here is What I’m Loving in May.

What I’m Loving in May

Time with My Girl

This has to be first on my list. Many of you know my daughter and I tagged along on one of my husband’s work trips this month. It couldn’t have been lovelier. The one on one time with Lily was precious and I am so glad we had the opportunity to do it. The highlights were mango strawberry lemonades by the pool and people watching. One day at the pool Lily said: ‘Watching people having fun makes me happy, Momma.’ A girl after my own heart. I will forever treasure that time with my girl.

The Chickens’ New Home

Praise Jesus the chickens are outside in their permanent home. While the kids loved having the brooder inside, I did not. They are currently clucking away in their coop and run and happy as can be. The chickens are much cuter outside. Now to wait for eggs.

The Beginning of Summer

We wrapped up our homeschool year this month and I am savoring the beginning of summer. The freedom, the playdates, the garden, the sunshine, the bike rides. Give me all of it. We are slowly getting into a summer rhythm and I’m excited about all the adventures we will have together these next several weeks.

Tanks in My Colors

This month I picked up a few new tanks from Target in my ‘colors’ and I have been wearing them on repeat. Last spring I had a color analysis done and I’m a ‘fall’. Target had a few summery tanks in burnt brown and gray. If you haven’t had your colors done and are local, I highly recommend checking out Seasons of Colors Omaha. My friend, Amanda, will change your world in the best way and give you such confidence on what you put on your body.

Easy Breezy Meals

While May has been lovely, it has also been full. Soccer and programs and celebrations. With each season comes a slightly different way I meal plan. This month requires flexibility and simplicity. We have done a lot of crock pot meals and snack trays. I have a feeling this type of meal plan will roll with us right into summer.

In the past I have fought hard to keep our ‘school year’ dinner rhythm, but this summer I want to bend with what our family needs. We want to be soaking up the sunshine and fun and dinner will look a bit different because life just looks different in the summer. Brats and veggies on the grill, snack trays, or heading to our favorite local spot after a family bike ride is what most of our summer dinners will consist of. And I’m a-okay with that.

There is so much to love about this month. What are you loving in May?