When I was a little girl, my dad was my hero. I remember thinking of him as bigger than life. My dad worked hard for our family: in his career as a social worker, reffing and umping games, and teaching classes on the weekends to be sure we had everything we needed. My dad was my coach, the one who took me to the YMCA multiple times a week so I could practice my dribbling and shooting. If you asked me then why my dad was my hero I would have told you it’s because he was the biggest, best dad in the world and he taught me everything I know about sports (which was a pretty big deal in elementary school). As I reminisce about my childhood, I remember sitting on my Dad’s lap and feeling like it was the safest place in the world.

Fast forward to today. I get to bear witness to another great Dad. This one is the father to my children. The one whom I get to do life with. He is the kind of Dad who makes big breakfasts in the morning: eggs and sausages and waffles. On Sunday evenings he is in the grass playing soccer with our kids, helping them understand how to win and lose. He takes time to have real conversations with each of our babes, talking to them about Star Wars or baby animals or soccer or trains or Teslas. Kevin is the constant calm in our family. (I have so much to learn from him.) I get to see the Dad to my kids do the hard work of raising them: being firm with consequences, showing grace for mistakes, and asking for forgiveness when he needs to.

Dads Matter
I tell you about two of the Dads in my life because they matter. My Dad mattered to my childhood and still shows me love and grace today. The Dad to my kids is helping to raise the next generation and is an incredible example of a strong, loving father. Let’s celebrate the Dads because their impact on our world is great and they are doing incredibly important work in our homes each and every day. Let’s Celebrate the Dads.
5 Ways to Celebrate Dads
Show Dad appreciation.
Everyone wants to know they are appreciated. Dads, too. Let’s show Dad he is appreciated by communicating gratitude. Whether in the form of a card, note, poem, song, or simply a ‘Thanks, Dad’. Gratitude is never wasted and showing the Dad in your life he is appreciated will remind him why he does what he does every single day.
Show Dad his value.
The garden beds that took Dad an entire weekend to build. The 9-5 day job he works to support his family. Dad’s never ending energy when it comes to wrestling with the kids or kicking the soccer ball or giving piggy back rides. The way he speaks life over the family at the dinner table, in the car, or playing a board game. The Dad jokes and puns that seem to be endless. How he gives of himself day in and day out to love his family well.
Dads bring immense value to our families. Point out the everyday things Dad does to make a difference. Kids can draw a picture depicting their favorite thing to do with Dad. Moms can write a note pointing out the extraordinary traits that make him a good Dad. Grown daughters and sons can tell their Dad the value he has added to their life in a conversation or in the form of a letter. Dads are valuable: let’s tell them.

Show Dad respect.
If you haven’t noticed, respect seems to be a big thing for Dads. They were created to long for it. Let’s show Dad respect by taking time to listen to his words (when he actually talks). Let’s take a minute when he leaves for the day or when he comes home and acknowledge him with a kiss or a hug. When Dad has a request, let’s try and honor it. Let’s do our best to avoid complaining and using sarcasm when we are having a discussion. For an extra special treat on Father’s Day, let’s actually laugh at his jokes. Respect is high on the list for what Dads want for Father’s Day, even if they don’t know it.

Show Dad care.
Even Dads like to be taken care of every once in awhile. Every Dad is different, so take some time to think about what would make the Dad in your life feel cared for. Is it an afternoon to play golf or time to go on a bike ride? Maybe it’s just asking: What can I do for you today? It could be as simple as making his favorite meal, dressing up, and putting flowers on the table. Think about what makes the Dad in your life feel cared for and make it happen.
Show Dad love.
This is the easiest way to Celebrate Dads. Let’s show Dad some love this Father’s Day. A love note is a good place to start along with hugs, kisses, and cuddles. Maybe give him space and time for his hobby without complaining. Line up a babysitter and surprise him with a date night. Gift him with the fancy BBQ sauce or golf club or tool he has been wanting for some time. Simply tell him you love him. Let’s show Dad we love him in a big way this Father’s Day.

Let’s Celebrate the Dads this Father’s Day. Tell me: how will you celebrate the Dad in your life?