Pre-Covid, Covid, Post-Covid. An unchanging, universal truth is: Moms Matter. God made Moms important, vital to our very existence. Moms are the lifelines to our past and the hope builders for our future, they are our forever coaches always ready and waiting in the wings to encourage and motivate. Moms are the ones who can make everything better (even if they can’t), but just being in their presence makes everything better. Moms Matter and quite frankly, we all wouldn’t be here without them.

When I think of Moms everywhere and what they are doing these days, it overwhelms me and makes me proud to be included in the group of humans called Moms. Some moms are working from home, homeschooling kids, and getting food on the table three times a day. Other moms are at home with a newborn in their arms, caring for toddlers without help from friends or grandparents. Some moms are hitting their groove with kids at home all day everyday and finding their new normal. Moms of teenagers are having to explain (once again) why their kids can’t go hang out with friends. Still others are heading into work to keep things running in our grocery stores, clinics, restaurants, hospitals, salons, as well as so many other places.
Then there are the moms with grown kids outside the home. The moms on their knees praying for children they love who they can only see through glass or on a screen or six feet away in the driveway. And the moms with children and grandchildren who are missing the newborn snuggles, the first steps, the growing up part of their babies’ babies. The moms who aren’t able to hold the hands of any of their loved ones because the risk is too high. Yes, moms are doing great, big, wonderful, hard things in this Covid season and it’s illuminating humanity’s eyes to the grand purpose that lies in motherhood.

Moms Matter
Whether you are a mom with babies or grown children, whether you are potty training or wondering about your senior’s graduation party, whether you are going to work or at home all day everyday, please know: You matter. The way you care for and love your children matters both to the people in your home and to the future of humanity.
Children are our future, and their mothers are its guardians.
Kofi Annan
As a kid, my mom was always the person I wanted when I scraped my knee, got stung by a bumblebee, or got teased by kids at school. She was also the person I wanted when I got dumped as a pre-teen, got in trouble as a teenager, or didn’t make the starting line up as a collegiate basketball player. She was it. I think a lot of us can say that. There are even times now when something happens and I just want my mom. The longing for the person who knows me best, who birthed me, who makes everything better. There is no one like Mom.

God created Moms for such a time as this.
Things aren’t easy right now (The understatement of Spring 2020.) There are so many unknowns and so much uncertainty, but I believe God created us for such a time as this in motherhood. He created us strong, resilient, steadfast, disciplined, warm. God created us emotional, productive, creative, fearless, loving. He created us to love our babies fiercely and protect them wildly. He made us to be both strong and vulnerable when it comes to everything, including Covid.
Not to toot our own horns, but I see motherhood as a great analogy for our relationship with God. As moms, we are longed after. Our babies come to us when everything seems upside down. They seek us for comfort, for guidance, to make everything better. I believe the relationship between mother and child can be a small glimpse into the relationship between Eternal Father and child. It is small scale example of how much our Creator loves us and the deep longing we have within us for Him.

Yes, God gave us a pretty high calling when we entered into motherhood. We are the ones with the privilege to give our babes a glimpse of unconditional love, the kind they can find forever in Christ. Moms have and always will matter.
Happy Mother’s Day, friends!