A Day in the Life

A few times a year I like to capture A Day in the Life. Mostly so I can look back someday and cry big crocodile tears over how little my babies were and how precious our time was, but also because sometimes inspiration strikes when we peek into someone else’s day. Personally, I like to read how others do things and many times when I do, I make a small edit somewhere that makes a load of difference.

I don’t need to tell anyone the year 2020 is one for the history books. As weird as the past nine months have been, I have savored this time because I’m pretty sure the entire world will never shut down again (at least I hope not). A Day in 2020 looks mighty different than a day in 2019. It’s a journey, nonetheless, and one I’m happy to be on.

A Day in the Life…

5:00 a.m. Alarm goes off. I get dressed and complete a Motivated workout in our bedroom.

5:20 a.m. Read devotion on the couch and pray. New Morning Mercies is my current read.

5:35 a.m. Mix up gluten free blueberry muffins. It’s a Tuesday rhythm since Kevin has Zoom Bible study each Tuesday and I am on breakfast duty.

5:50 a.m. Go for a walk. It’s my new self care.

6:10 a.m. Take a shower and get ready for the day.

6:25 a.m. Put muffins in the oven, sit down to write and read.

7:00 a.m. Get kids up for the day. Cuddle with Luke on the couch. Luke is slow to rise and I savor the cuddles with him. The ten minutes snuggled up with my firstborn is a treasure to me.

7:10 a.m. Breakfast. The kids aren’t super hungry this morning, so they each eat 2 muffins and I throw some sausage in the skillet for Lily and Jude. With some protein in their bellies, I know they will make it to lunch.

7:20 a.m. Get Jack up and feed him a breakfast of milk, banana, and Cheerios.

7:50 a.m. The kids watch Real City Heroes for 15 minutes because Jude earned a potty reward.

7:55 a.m. I mix up and make some zucchini muffins for our neighbors who so graciously gave us loads of zucchini this summer.

8:15 a.m. Luke begins his independent seat work. Lily and Jude get out the Quiet Box. Jack toddles around the house.

8:40 a.m. I play with Jack for a few minutes while Luke finishes up his independent seat work.

8:55 a.m. Sit down to complete seat work with Luke.

9:10 a.m. Sit down to complete seat work with Lily.

9:35 a.m. Put Jack down for his morning nap.

9:40 a.m. Meet in the school room with Luke, Lily and Jude. We read our devotion and pray. Luke and Lily recite their poems. We talk about the day and I read a few Eric Carle books.

10:25 a.m. Independent reading time for 20 minutes. I do reading lessons with Luke and Lily.

10:50 a.m. Make lunches to eat in the car. Peanut butter and jelly, pretzels, raspberries, carrots.

11:00 a.m. Get Jack up from his morning nap and head to Council Bluffs.

11:30 a.m. Drop off donations to Goodwill.

11:45 a.m. Drop off a meal to a friend. The three bigs have meltdowns in the car over someone kicking the back of a seat. They lose their tablets for the ride home.

12:30 p.m. Pick up grocery order at Wal-Mart.

12:35 p.m. Pick up Starbucks and head for home.

1:00 p.m. Luke and Lily drop off muffins to neighbors. It is the cutest.

1:10 p.m. Everyone helps put away groceries. Luke and Lily get screen time while Jude and Jack play.

1:35 p.m. Luke and Lily go to ‘help’ Grandma with the bees. They are all beekeepers.

2:00 p.m. Read Ten Thank You Letters to Jude and put him down for nap.

2:10 p.m. Put Jack down for an afternoon nap.

2:15 p.m. Prep roast and put in the oven for dinner. Do some blog work.

2:20 p.m. Luke comes in with two bumblebee stings. He isn’t too traumatized, so we put some ointment on and he is good to go.

3:00 p.m. Walk Luke back out to Grandma to work with the bees.

3:15 p.m. Pick cherry tomatoes.

3:45 p.m. Kids come back in from the bees and head to their rooms for Quiet Time.

4:00 p.m. Sit down to write and read.

4:15 p.m. Quiet time is over and the kids get up.

4:30 p.m. The kids turn on music as everyone gets up. It’s a lethargic dance party as everyone tries to wake up.

5:10 p.m. The roast comes out of the oven and dinner is ready.

5:30 p.m. We eat dinner together. Luke gets sick from the bumblebee sting.

5:45 p.m. Clean up dinner as Kevin leaves for a fantasy football draft with friends.

6:00 p.m. Kids get pajamas on and discuss a movie choice since Dad is gone and Luke isn’t feeling the best.

6:10 p.m. After much contemplation, we all agree on Tangled.

6:15 p.m. The three bigs start the movie while Jack and I tidy up the house and play.

7:00 p.m. Jack gets a bottle and I put him down for the night.

7:15 p.m. Kids eat bananas and Luke gets sick again.

7:20 p.m. We all finish the movie together.

7:45 p.m. I make a sick bed on the floor in Luke’s room and put him to bed.

7:50 p.m. Read stories, the Bible, and pray with Lily and Jude. Say goodnight.

8:05 p.m. Do office work for our farm. Lily and Jude come downstairs looking for a part of Jude’s truck.

8:40 p.m. Finish up the office work and leave a Marco Polo for a friend.

8:55 p.m. Check social media feeds. Read, then look at the rest of the week in my planner.

9:15 p.m. Start a new show on Netflix.

9:17 p.m. Luke wakes up crying. I move him into our room.

9:30 p.m. Kevin gets home and helps with Luke.

10:00 p.m. I call our pediatrician to ask about Luke as I google bumblebee stings.

10:45 p.m. Get a call back from our pediatrician’s nurse while Luke and Kevin are asleep in bed. Check to make sure Luke is okay.

Sometime before midnight: Fall asleep.

To be transparent, this wasn’t a typical day and to be totally transparent, our typical day changes often. Usually we don’t have a sick kid and usually I don’t make two batches of muffins and usually Kevin isn’t gone at night and usually I am asleep by 10. However, it was the day I randomly decided to record and here it is.

I know it’s always interesting to see what someone else’s day looks like. Tell me: do you ever record A Day in the Life?

Eric Carle Author Study

Eric Carle is a beloved author and illustrator of children’s picture books. He is best known for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but has many more well written, beautifully illustrated works of art.

Eric Carle is an appropriate author study for kids preschool through third grade. His books lend themselves to discuss a plethora of topics and skills including prediction, the color wheel, collage art, insects, plants, and the structure of a sentence. An author study can be done on his work for any length of time, a few days up to a month or more.

The past few years we have studied Eric Carle for a month at a time. Today I want to share how we studied him this year by using the author study process discussed in this post.

Eric Carle Author Study

1)Collect Books by Eric Carle.

Because Eric Carle is a popular author and illustrator, books are easy to come by. Check out loads of books at the library, borrow from friends, and scour your bookshelves. Some favorites: The Very Busy Spider, Walter the Baker, and Mister Seahorse.

2)Learn about Eric Carle’s life.

Learning about Eric Carle’s life can give context to the books and help kids feel connected to him. A few videos below are a great place to start.

3)Read books by Eric Carle.

Read and enjoy books by Eric Carle. Let your kids choose which ones they want to read on any specific day or choose for them. Put up a piece of chart or construction paper and discuss what you notice about Eric Carle as an author and illustrator as you read.

4)Create and complete Eric Carle inspired art and activities.

Eric Carle Inspired Art

1)Discuss how Eric Carle uses collage art.

Eric Carle uses collage art to create his illustrations. In the video below, he discusses this technique.

2)Make painted papers.

Use white cardstock or tissue paper (like Eric Carle) to create painted papers. This can be done over the course of a few days. (My kids loved this part.)

3)Create an animal, insect, or other object with the painted papers.

Kids can create any insect or animal they would like with their painted papers. If you want to add in science, study insects or a certain animal and kids can create the studies insect or animal.

4)Display your Eric Carle creations or make a book out of them.

Create a book using the collage creations or simply display them in your home for all to see.

Other Eric Carle Activities

Using the book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? notice and record the color words or details in the book. Discuss how authors use details to help us picture the story in our mind’s eye.

After reading Walter the Baker, make pretzels together.

Discuss the color wheel using the book, Hello, Red Fox.

Read Pancakes, Pancakes and make pancakes for dinner.

Using The Very Busy Spider, The Grouchy Ladybug, and The Very Quiet Cricket, learn about insects and bugs.

Discuss the life cycle of a butterfly using The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

There are many authors to choose from when doing an author study and I believe Eric Carle to be one of the best. He will inspire you and your kids with his simple stories and beautiful illustrations. Tell me: will you study Eric Carle this year?

An Author Study

Reading aloud is one of the most important things we can do while raising our kids. There is so much good that comes from sitting down on the couch with our kids and a good book. Relationship and connection and academic benefit are among the top reasons to grab your kids and a stack of good books.

One way to choose books to read aloud is by doing an author study. An author study can be done with all ages and is a unit that dives deep into an author’s life and works.

For younger kids, an author study immerses children into an author’s world and allows them to get to know their books, writing style and possibly their illustration style. For older kids, an author study can teach kids about theme, character development, and writing style.

author study

Today I’m going to share my favorite author studies for elementary age kids as well as what an author study looks like in our home. These are all authors we have loved and read as a family and a few we are hoping to read more of in the future.

Author Studies

Laura Numeroff

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie was a favorite book I read to my first graders each year. Laura Numeroff has a plethora of books that are perfectly paced, funny, and will keep your kids engaged with the short text and colorful pictures.

Eric Carle

He doesn’t need an introduction. The man who created The Very Hungry Caterpillar is easy to love and his books are, too.

Doreen Cronin

Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type always makes my kids giggle. Doreen Cronin created a bit of magic in her books with the silly animals and the repetitive language.

Cynthia Rylant

If you’re looking for well loved characters and a story that will hold your interest, check out Cynthia Rylant’s books. The Relatives Came and Henry and Mudge are favorites around here.

Tomie DePaola

Tomie DePaola’s work is classic and heart warming. If you haven’t read Strega Nona, you need to.

Dr. Seuss

Speaking of classic, everyone loves a good Dr. Seuss book (unless you’re a tired parent whose child chose it for their bed time story). My kids love these books and your’s will, too.

Kevin Henkes

Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse and Chrysanthemum are some of our favorites by Kevin Henkes. Henkes’ books lend themself well to teaching vocabulary and word choice.

Ezra Jack Keats

He wrote more than The Snowy Day, although it is a classic. Goggles and Whistle for Willie are other favorites.

Leo Lionni

Leo Lionni’s books and illustrations are special. I doubt you will find one you don’t like.

Mem Fox

Mem Fox is a master of learning and the English language. You will love reading her books to your kids. The Magic Hat is my favorite children’s book (of all time) and Time for Bed is pretty sweet, too.

Author Study Process

1)Collect books by the author.

Go to the chosen author’s website and find books you want to read. Scour the library and your bookshelves. Chances are you have a few titles under your roof. The library is a great resource for an author study. Many of them offer curbside pick up right now, so simply put the books on hold and a few days later, pick them up.

2)Display the books.

Choose a spot to house the books and make it look pretty and enticing. Set them up so your kids will get excited about the author study. Maybe even put up a poster with the name and picture of the author.

3)Learn about the author.

Begin with learning about the author’s background and books he or she has written. Knowing the background can give context as you read. Check out the author’s website (all linked above) and Youtube videos to learn about the author together.

4)Read the books with your kids.

Enjoy the books with your kids. Decide if you will let them choose the books to read or if you will intentionally choose a specific book each day.

5)Author Study Activities

Sometimes you may let the kids simply enjoy the books and see where they take you as a family and sometimes you will have a purpose or skill you want to teach as you’re reading. There is value in both.

There is value in simply reading books by an author, discussing them, and displaying them. Your kids will notice similarities between books: characters, themes, word play, illustrations, style. Sometimes it isn’t even necessary to point them out, let your kids take the lead and ask the question: What do you notice about books/illustrations by _______?

There is also value in teaching a skill through an author study. If you want to teach something specific, decide what and how you will do it. For example, an Eric Carle author study lends itself to learning how Carle creates his illustrations through collage. There are great Youtube videos as well as art projects to help your kids create like Eric Carle.


If you’ve been around here long, you know I believe wholeheartedly in celebration. Find a way to celebrate the completion of an author study.

It could be a community project about the author presented to family members. Or maybe a ‘dress like the author day’. It could be a writing a piece inspired by the author. Or a tea party while reading the author’s books.

Find a way to celebrate all you have learned and discovered about a specific author. It will cement the learning in your kids’ brains and give them nostalgia every time they read a book by the author.

Are you planning an author study this year? Tell me: who will you be studying?

5 Stages of Reading

Reading is a skill we all want our children to learn, master, and love. We want our kids to read so they can learn, enjoy stories, and cross the barriers of time, cultures, and geography. The five stages of reading give us insight into how to foster the love of reading in our kids.

what does reading look like?

Reading will look different for each age, stage, and ability level. I whole heartedly believe there is not a ‘one size fits all’ timeline for learning. Just as kids don’t all walk or learn to ride a bike at the same time, they don’t learn to read at the same time. If we believe each of our kids are unique in all things, then they are also unique in the time and place they learn to read. The age and grade doesn’t matter. What matters is fostering the love of reading at every stage and getting books into our kids hands as early and often as possible.

Let’s use the five stages of reading to better understand what each stage looks like, how we can foster reading at every stage, and what reading will look like during independent reading time in the home.

5 Stages of Reading

Stage 1: The Pre-Reader

What does a pre-reader look like?

A pre-reader is learning about language and the world around him. He is interested in reading and might pick up a book to explore. He might pretend to read a story, notice letters, or share stories from his own experience.

How do we foster the love of reading for a pre-reader?

Read, read, read! Read exciting books to your pre-reader. Tell him a story from your childhood. Read books with rhyming and repetitive text. Read wordless books and help make up the story. Practice predicting what will happen next in a book. Simply reading and enjoying books together is the most important activity at this stage.

What will independent reading time look like for a pre-reader?

Independent reading time is a time everyone in the home sits down to read. For a pre-reader that looks like gathering a stack of books and retelling the story or ‘reading the pictures’. Kids can do this independently with enough modeling and practice from older kids or an adult. Start small with independent reading time, around 3-5 minutes and build up to 10 or 20 minutes over time.

Stage 2: The Novice Reader

What does a novice reader look like?

A novice reader will retell stories, start to memorize sight words, predict unknown words, and use the illustrations to tell the story. A novice reader will begin to sound out words.

How do we foster the love of reading for a novice reader?

The answer is always going to be read. In addition to reading lots of stories to children at this stage, begin introducing new vocabulary to the reader. Most children can understand 4000 words, but can only read 600. Teaching phonics and decoding skills during this stage will graduate the novice reader to a decoding reader.

We use Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons to teach decoding skills and phonics. I have also heard excellent things about Explode the Code.

What will independent reading time look like for the novice reader?

A novice reader will continue to retell stories and ‘read the pictures’ in familiar pictures books. However, the novice reader should be given books he can read on his own in addition to well loved books (Bob books are great for this). Leveled picture books with simple text and illustrations give the reader confidence and enthusiasm for reading.

Stage 3: The Decoding Reader

What does a decoding reader look like?

A decoding reader will use multiple strategies to increase reading fluency. He will use meaning and see and read chunks and sight words easily. A decoding reader independently uses comprehension and predicting strategies. Listening comprehension is still more efficient than reading comprehension at this stage.

How can we foster the love of reading for a decoding reader?

A decoding reader still needs books read aloud above his independent reading level to develop language, vocabulary, and concepts. Read pictures books as well as novels.

When a decoding reader has trouble with a word, you can ask these questions: Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense?

What does independent reading time look like for a decoding reader?

A decoding reader will be able to read familiar books as well as books at their independent reading level. A decoding reader will be able to stretch and read for longer periods of time. Pay attention to if a decoding reader is reading for pleasure. If he is, he will pick up a book to read during other parts of the day.

Stage 4: The Comprehending Reader

What does a comprehending reader look like?

A comprehending reader is able to decode many more words, use multiple strategies, and comprehend. His fluency and the speed of his reading has increased. At the beginning of this stage, listening comprehension is more efficient than reading comprehension. By the end of this stage, reading comprehension could be more efficient.

How can we foster the love of reading for a comprehending reader?

Expose comprehending readers to diverse texts: text books, newspaper articles, magazines, and unfamiliar texts so they are able to expand their vocabulary and understanding of different texts and concepts. Continue to read aloud books slightly above their independent comprehension level and discuss character, irony, metaphor, point of view, or simply the book and their thoughts.

What does independent reading time look like for a comprehending reader?

Independent reading time for a comprehending reader looks like free time spent reading books of choice as well as recommended texts. It looks like time for discussion directly following independent reading time.

Stage 5: The Independent Reader

What does an independent reader look like?

An independent reader is confident, self-monitoring, and reads for different purposes (pleasure, learning, expanding own interests). He is able to analyze a text, infer, and reads texts from different points of view.

How can we foster the love of reading for an independent reader?

Continue to make reading aloud and discussion a priority. Get clear on what motivates the reader and introduce books he may have interest in, but wouldn’t pick up on his own. Present new authors, genres, and formats he may not be aware of.

What does independent reading time look like for an independent reader?

Independent reading time for an independent reader looks much like that of a comprehending reader. Give ample time for reading and make space for discussion afterwards.

One of the greatest gifts: A love for reading

The five stages of reading give us insight into what reading looks like at all skill levels. A love for reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids. It gives them a ticket onto the path of life long learning. Tell me: how will you foster a love of reading (and learning) in your kids today?


The 5 Stages of Reading Development

Five Stages of Reading Development

5 Minute Tasks for A Simpler Home

Many times it takes a small thing to turn into a big thing. It takes small wins to get to bigger wins. It takes one tiny step repeated and multiplied to get the results we are after. Creating the home and lifestyle we want takes small, sometimes unnoticeable, actions to get there.

Today, I’m going to lay out 5 minute tasks to take steps towards A Simpler Home. No rocket science, simply small actions you can take in 5 minutes or less that will make a difference in your home right now. The action itself is something, but my hope is it will snowball and give you the motivation and momentum to take more steps towards A Simpler Home and A Simpler Motherhood. Here are the 5 minute tasks:

5 Minute Tasks

Take away a throw pillow (or 3).

I was feeling overwhelmed with my living room a few weeks ago. Maybe because my four monkeys are constantly using the pillows and throw blankets for forts and garages for cars and blankets for their babies. I took two throw pillows off the couch and the space isn’t so loud to me now. If your living space is driving you nuts, try removing a throw pillow or three.

Take one thing off the kitchen counters.

This seems like it won’t help, but it is so worthwhile. The other day I took my milk frother off the counter and put it in the drawer right below the coffee maker. One less thing on my counters instantly made my kitchen feel less cluttered. Kitchen counter space is prime real estate. I literally use my milk frother 3-4 times a week for two minutes each. It doesn’t get used enough to live on top of the counters. What thing can you take off your kitchen counters to make it feel lighter and less cluttered?

Recycle the magazines.

Anyone else love Chip and Jo? Me too. I enjoy their Magnolia magazine so much. Awhile back I pulled out every season of Magnolia since 2017 I had hidden in a cupboard. I thought I would flip back through them, but I never have. I asked some friends if they could use them and one could. Win win. Magazines take up space and chances are you aren’t going to flip through them again. Ask some friends if they are interested and if not, recycle.

5 minute tasks

Clear a surface.

I’ve said it a million times. Surfaces matter. A clear surface verses a cluttered surface can change my mood. (And research proves it.) Take five minutes to clear a surface. Maybe your dining room table? Kitchen island? Coffee table? Choose one surface to clear and keep it that way. This is my favorite 5 minute task.

Contain in a basket.

Homes can many times seem cluttered because things don’t have a home. House loose items in a basket. Shoes can go in a basket or drawer at the door. Toys can go in a bin under a side table. Papers can go in a letter tray. Choose one thing that’s driving you nuts, put a basket or bin there and see what happens. (Here is one of my favorite baskets to give items a home.)

Put out of season items away.

At the beginning of July I noticed I still had spring coats hanging by the back door. I wondered why I got annoyed every time my eyes passed that corner. Putting those spring coats away made the corner feel lighter and made room for my basket of sunscreen and sun hats. Put out of season items away including shoes, jackets, clothes, and decorations. If this is a bigger project than five minutes, consider doing one category a day for five minutes each.

Go through the mail everyday.

Paper clutter is the worst. To keep it at bay I go through the mail every time it comes into the house. I deal with it then and there and don’t put it to the side to collect dust and possibly make it into the hands of my littles. I put Kevin’s mail in his drawer where I know he will see it and then deal with the things I need to and recycle the rest.

Put the dishes away and shine the sink.

My house always feels cleaner and simpler when the dishes are put away and my sink is clean. Take five minutes to put the dishes away, shine the sink, and enjoy less mess.

Clear the bedside table.

There is a good chance there are unnecessary things living on your bedside table. Take a few minutes to clear it off, put things where they belong and make it clear with a book, lamp, charger, alarm clock, and maybe something pretty. Don’t let unnecessary things live there.

Fold the laundry in the dryer.

Ugh. This is probably one of my least favorite home tasks. However, when I fold the laundry and put it away, I take that thing off my mental load. Otherwise, every time I walk past the laundry room I think about how I need to fold it. Anyone else?

Do a grocery sack walk through.

Grab a grocery sack, set a timer for five minutes and walk through your home. Throw anything in there that is garbage or clutter or you’ve been meaning to get rid of. At the end throw the garbage away and put the sack in a box to be donated.

All big things come from small beginnings.

James Clear

A small, 5 minute task is a step into the direction of A Simpler Home and A Simpler Motherhood. If nothing else, you will get a clean sink or a load of folded laundry out of it. Tell me: what 5 minute task will you tackle today?

Homeschooling Resources

It’s a great time to homeschool. Blogs, books, podcasts, Instagram accounts, Facebook groups, online curriculum and memberships. There are a million homeschooling resources at our fingertips. Well meaning as they are, they can be overwhelming. I believe less really is more when it comes to the resources we use for school at home. Today I’m sharing my top, simple homeschooling resources. Although these are geared towards families doing school at home this year, many of these resources are great for all parents.

homeschooling resources

Homeschooling Resources


Teaching from Rest

This. Teaching from rest. Sarah Mackenzie has great encouragement in this book and it’s delightfully short. It’s a great weekend read before the big first day.

Simplicity Parenting

A parenting book, but my favorite one. I read this at least once a year and always come away with a renewed motivation for simplicity in terms of our family life. It’s a must read.

The Read Aloud Family

Another one by Sarah Mackenzie. This book will inspire you to grab a stack of books, gather your kids, and enjoy some stories together.

On my To Be Read List

The Call of the Wild and Free

I am currently devouring this book. It’s better than I anticipated. Wild and Free is an online community and one I’m interested in learning more about.

Hold On to Your Kids

This may be more of a parenting book, but one I can see homeschoolers dive into. I’m excited to read this one.


This Reading Mama

Becky is a homeschooling mom of four who taught public and private school before kids. She has her Masters in Elementary Reading and shares incredible resources on her site. I use many resources from This Reading Mama for my preschool curriculum.

The Measured Mom

Anna has her Masters in Education and is mom to six kiddos. I use her Alphabet pages when I’m teaching a preschooler and they are all free if you click on the individual letter.

Teachers Pay Teachers

Yes, I use this site. There are so many great resources created by teachers. I have found both free resources and inexpensive ones to supplement skills my kids are learning.


Read Aloud Revival

Hosted by Sarah Mackenzie, this podcast talks all things books and homeschooling. You will be inspired and come away with practical things in every episode.

At Home with Sally

I was introduced to Sally Clarkson by my dear friend, Lydia, of the Joy Filled Table. Sally is a beloved mentor to the homeschool community. She has homeschooled, raised four exceptional kids, and has a beautiful philosophy on making the home a creative and inspiring learning environment. She has written several encouraging books, both with her kids and husband. Each one I have read, I have loved. Awaking Wonder is her newest book and I am excited to dive into this one soon.

The Homeschool Sisters

I recently discovered this podcast and Cait and Kara are so life giving. My first listen was The Gift of Simplicity with Kim John Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting. This is a new favorite of mine!

Instagram Accounts

The Quick Journey

Liz is a homeschooling mom of four and shares about her motherhood journey. She has a few saved stories on homeschooling, so be sure to check them out. Liz also writes The Quick Journey blog.

The Homemaking Mama

Bri is a homeschooling mom who shares biblical encouragement and beautiful pictures of her everyday. She also has a blog you can find here.


Sometimes I find some great resources following a hashtag. #homeschoolcollective is a great one to follow to see inspiration from all kinds of moms schooling differently.

Kid Resources

Art Hub for Kids

Do you want your kids to love drawing? Art Hub is a great resource for them to learn how to draw everything and anything. Rob, Mrs. Hubs and their four kiddos are upbeat, fun, and super positive when it comes to drawing and ‘doing your best’. Check them out!


We used Starfall at our school when I was teaching 1st grade. My students loved it. It is a site housing reading and math games for Pre-K to 3rd grade. There are free games to play, but if you want access to all games, it’s $35 a year for a home membership.

Audible or your public library’s app

Audible or checking out e-books and audio books from your library’s app are great resources for your kids (and you). An Audible membership has allowed us to own classic audio books we can listen and re-listen to together. Titles like: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, and My Father’s Dragon.

A quick tip: Use Audible for classic stories you know your kids will want to come back to. Use your library app for stories that may only last a listen or two.

It is such a blessing to have so many resources at our fingertips. However, I believe utilizing a few resources fully is a simpler way to find inspiration, tools, and materials to assist with school at home. Tell me: what are your favorite homeschooling resources?

Quiet Boxes

Do you have multiple kids? Are you trying to homeschool bigs while keeping littles busy? Are you a mom who needs a break in the afternoon to catch your breath and your kids no longer nap? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, Quiet Boxes are a tool you can utilize in these scenarios.

quiet boxes

What is a Quiet Box?

A quiet box is a box or basket housing toys, books, and educational materials only used at a certain time in the day. Quiet boxes are kept in a closet or on a shelf and only opened and utilized during a specific time.

For example, a Quiet Box may be taken down and opened for a toddler when his siblings are working on school. A Quiet Box may be utilized for older children in the afternoons when younger children are sleeping.

The magic of the Quiet Box is that it is only out for a certain chunk of time each day and gets put promptly away when that time is up. It can loose the allure if it’s available all day everyday.

What is in a Quiet Box?

What is in a Quiet Box depends on the purpose for it and the ages of kids. For toddlers and preschoolers: alphabet books, puzzles, matching games, small toys and animals, water wonder books. For elementary aged kids: books, puzzles, sticker by number books, audio books, games, flashcards.

The items in a Quiet Box are curated for the children it’s serving and items are specifically chosen to keep kids engaged independently.

Putting together a Quiet Box

You want a Quiet Box for your kids for a specific reason. Think through these questions to decide how you will use it and what will go in it:

1)Who will it be for?

Decide which kids will use the Quiet Box. If it’s for multiple kids, determine that now.

2)When will you use it?

Decide what part of the day the Quiet Box will be used for. School? Quiet time in the afternoon? The harried hour before dinner?

3)What will go in it?

Think through what your kids’ interests are, what will keep their attention, and what they can use and work with independently. You want to be sure the items going in the Quiet Box meet all these criteria.

Toddler and Preschool Items


Matching Games

Alphabet Books

Water Wow Books

Animal Figures

Montessori Sand Letters


Elementary Items

My First Bananagrams


Crayola Color Wonder Books

Audio Books




4)Where will you store it?

The Quiet Box needs to be stored in a place it is not accessible to kids during other parts of the day. A closet, a drawer, a high shelf.

5)Will you have more than one Quiet Box?

You might choose to have more than one Quiet Box for the days of the week. You can create 5 Quiet Boxes, one for each day of the week or simply make one Quiet Box with another container housing items you can switch out to keep interest.

A Quiet Box can be an essential tool if you are schooling at home or a mom at home with littles. It gives kids something to focus on and allows you to work with another child or simply take a well deserved breather. Tell me: what will you put in your quiet box?

First Day of School Activities & Traditions

The first day of school is close. Freshly sharpened pencils, a new box of crayons, and a brand spankin’ new pencil case are just a few objects of excitement for the big day. We actually just celebrated our first day of school and, as always, it’s one of my most favorite days of the year (that and the last day). It’s chalk full of fun activities, special traditions, and a whole lot of excitement. Today I’m going to share some ways to make the first day of school memorable. Whether your kids are beginning school at home this year or they are stepping foot into their school for the first time since last winter, there is something for everyone. Here we go…

first day of school activities

First Day of School Pictures

Yes, I’m staring off predictable. However, there is nothing like the first day of school pictures. Make it a tradition by using the same whiteboard or chalkboard to state the grades or ages as well as posing in a similar spot. We use the same letter board each year and take a picture outside before the first day begins.


Make it feel like a celebration. If you’re schooling at home, decorate the designated school space. If your kids are getting on the bus, decorate the kitchen so they can enjoy a little celebration before they are on their way.

Special meals

Make the meals on the first day of school special. Pancakes, donuts, crepes, bacon and eggs, pop tarts, muffins. Donut shaped peanut butter and jelly, a special note in the lunch box, a Lunchable (gasp), special homemade cookies. A favorite dinner, ice cream sundaes, a snack board. Find ways to make the first day feel special all day long with simple meals that make the whole day feel extraordinary.

1st Day Questions

There are a million printables on Pinterest for questionnaires for your kids on the first day of school. Some may think these are cheesy, but I promise, you will look back on the answers to these questions with nostalgia and love and thank your tired self for doing them.

If you are a homeschooling mom, try having your kids answer questions in a journal they will use for school. I do this at the beginning of the year and the end of the year and it’s always interesting to see what has changed.

Sunday Family has a great set of questionnaire printables from preschool all the way up to 12th grade. If your kids are heading off to school these are great to complete and put in a memory box. If you’re a homeschooling family, you could print off and glue in a journal.

School Supplies Treasure Hunt

I don’t know about you, but my kids love new school supplies. Pencils, crayons, markers, all of it. A scavenger hunt is a fun way for them to discover their new supplies, even if they helped pick them out. I always have a surprise or two for them, like a new book or special pencil case. It adds a bit of excitement to the day.

This is My Home, This is My School

If this is your first year doing school at home, try using This is My Home, This is My School to introduce homeschooling. It is sweet and funny and gets my kids and I in the mood for another school year.

Pray over the school year

If you are a follower of Jesus, praying over the school year on the first day could be just the inspiration you all need to focus your eyes on the most important things.

Journal to your kids

If your kids can read, this is a must do. Write in your kids’ journal or slip a note in their lunchbox about the hopes and dreams you have for them this year. Tell your kids how proud you are to be their mom and how you know they will work hard and do big things the next nine months.


At the end of the week or the end of the first day, celebrate! You all made it! We give new books to the kids at the end of the week to celebrate all their hard work. There are loads of ways to celebrate: ice cream sundaes, small trinkets or gifts, a trip to the nearest swimming hole, a new book, a do-whatever-you-want Saturday, a trip to Starbucks. I whole heartedly believe celebrating is important. It allows us to stop and commemorate the good. Take the time to recognize everyone’s hard work and celebrate with your family the first day or first week of school!

Celebrations and traditions mark important days and help us to remember, reflect, and show gratitude. Tell me: how will you celebrate the first day of school this year?

Gather Supplies

You have chosen your curriculum. You have thought through your year and your daily rhythm. Your school spaces are designated. It’s time to begin to gather supplies, maybe one of my favorite parts about planning A Simpler Homeschool. Who doesn’t love a new box of crayons or a few new read alouds?

gather supplies

Let’s walk through what you need, what you think you need, and what you probably don’t need. There is a big difference between these three. My first year I thought I needed all the things, when what I really needed was curriculum, some writing utensils, notebooks, and a few fun art supplies. I will argue that the less supplies you have, the more you will use them. The more supplies you have, well, it can all get lost and forgotten in the shuffle of read alouds, math lessons, and snack time.

Gather Supplies

1)Make a list

You’ve probably noticed I like making lists around here. List making is effective to get thoughts and ideas out of our heads and down on paper. Begin a list of supplies you need for A Simpler Homeschool. Let’s walk through some things that might go on that list.

What You Need

The Essentials

Every homeschool is going to need some supplies. Something to write with, something to write on, something to draw with, something to hold the other somethings. Think: pencils, pencil sharpener, crayons, paint, notebooks, paper, glue, folders, notecards. Look at your curriculum for the first few months and decide what is needed to complete the activities successfully. Make a list of the absolute essentials to make learning happen on a daily basis.

The Read Alouds

Using your Simpler Homeschool Year Plan, look at your read alouds for the first few weeks. If they aren’t provided with your curriculum, list the books you need to either order from your library to pick up or from your local book store if you are going to purchase.

The Organizers

We will need stuff to hold our stuff. Think through if you want each kid to have their own container to hold supplies or, if you have multiple kids, you want a community container to hold supplies. Add to your list any organizers you might need: a caddy or pencil boxes, magazine holders or baskets for books or curriculum, paper trays for paper or completed work. Use caution here, it’s always possible to get more later.

What You Think You Need

The Extras

Of course there are extra things: markers, colored pencils, fun art supplies, construction paper, learning games, dot markers, math manipulatives, sentence strips, science experiment supplies. Decide what other things you would like to have on hand for A Simpler Homeschool.

I will add some caution here. It’s easy to get carried away with excitement when it comes to supplies. (I’ve been there.) Everything looks so fun and necessary and perfect for homeschooling. Consider making a List for Now and a List for Later. You might decide you don’t need all the other stuff after all.

What You Don’t Need

Everything in the Target dollar bin

It sucks me in, too. All the pretty, primary colored things that seem too cheap and too cute to pass up. I’m not saying don’t buy anything here, but unless items are on your list, keep walking.


Growing up, one of my favorite things in the world was going back to school shopping. Even though we homeschool, I still let my kids shop for school supplies.

Before you purchase any supplies, scour the house for items on your list. There is a good chance you have some of the essentials and organizers lying in a closet or drawer. As The Nester says: shop your house.

After searching your house for supplies on your list, look what you have left. Decide how you’re going to purchase the supplies needed and how much ‘help’ you will get from your kids. They might be able to choose out their folder, pencils, and pencil box. Or if they’re older, maybe they are given the list and are able to pick out everything on their own. There is value in letting kids be part of the process of gathering supplies: it will create excitement for the school year ahead.

3)Organize and Label

Once all the supplies are in one place, it’s time to organize. Put the pencils, crayons, markers, glue sticks in their place in a pencil box or community caddy. Place the paints and art supplies in a drawer or cabinet in your designated school storage space. Organize the supplies so they are easy to get to and easy to use. You don’t want to be digging through drawers to find what you need when you have kids ready for an activity or lesson.

Those of you who love a good label, now is the time to label bins and organizers.


This is one of my favorite parts about the first days of school: presenting supplies to the kids. Even though they helped pick out some supplies, it’s still fun to make a show of it the first day of school. Lay out the supplies on the first day in a way that makes it exciting and the school year full of anticipation. Maybe even arrange a scavenger hunt for them to find their supplies on the first day. If you have older kids, you may wait to organize some of the materials until the first day so they are able to take ownership of it.

Supplies are part of the homeschool game. There are absolute essentials needed to have a successful start to the year. However, let’s not get carried away and put too much in our carts and our homes. As you gather supplies, keep in mind less really is more if we want to create A Simpler Homeschool. And if we need to purchase something later, Target isn’t going anywhere. Tell me: what supplies are on your homeschooling list?

School Spaces

Where you homeschool doesn’t have to be complicated. Helping your child with handwriting at the dining room table, coffee in hand, baby playing at your feet. A stack of books piled high and your littles snuggled in close on the couch. A science experiment in the backyard or at the park or at Grandma’s house. Learning can be done anywhere. It doesn’t take a perfectly curated space to learn the state capitals or the silent little e’s job at the end of a word. Learning is fluid and can happen anytime, anywhere.

Learning doesn’t require desks or whiteboards or pretty colored posters, but the atmosphere and school spaces in A Simpler Homeschool do matter. You can do school anywhere, but thinking through where that somewhere might be can make the day to day go smoother.

Let’s talk school spaces and where you will meet to read, play, write, and learn this year with your kiddos. Here are some steps to walk you through thinking about your school spaces.

Designated School Room?

Many homeschooling families have a homeschooling room. Many homeschooling families do not. Decide if you want one or not. Do you have the space to edit a room in your home into a school room? What about the energy to do it? Do you have pieces of furniture you could repurpose to use in the school room? Answer these questions to decide if you will have a designated school room.

If you decide you will have a Designated School Room, keep reading. If you will not have a Designated School Room, skip down to Using the Home for a School Space.

Designated School Room

1)Designate what you will do in the school room.

If you decide you do want a designated school room, think through what you will do in the space. Will you read, write, and play in the room? Will you complete your full day in the room or will you move about the house for the school day? Using your Simpler Daily Rhythm, look at what you will be doing during the day and decide which items you will do in the school room.

If there is one thing I learned while teaching in public school and at home, transitions can make or break school days. If we want our homeschooling days to be less hectic and more calm (especially if schooling multiple kids), I suggest grouping together items that can be done in the same space. For example, we do our devotion, calendar, language arts lesson, and read aloud back to back in our school room. Kids need to move, but the fewer transitions between spaces, the easier your day will flow.

2)Designate other spaces.

What is left in your Daily Rhythm? Think through where you will gather to complete these parts of your day. Maybe you will want to do art and science on the tile floors in the kitchen or the read alouds on the couch. Using your Simpler Daily Rhythm, list where every other part of your day will take place.

3)Designate school storage.

There is just no way around it, you will need a place for school storage. I would argue it doesn’t need to be a big space. A closet or bookshelf will do. While you don’t need to organize or get it ready at this point, simply designate where you will keep curriculum, supplies, and tools. The closer to your school room, the better.

4)Gather furniture.

Because you have chosen to have a designated school room, think about the furniture you will want to help your kids learn effectively. A few examples:

If you want to do a morning meeting with read alouds and a language arts lesson in the school space, a comfortable rug with a bookshelf might be what you need. If you want kids to be able to listen to an audio book, complete their math workbook, and create art in the school room, a kid sized table and chairs with a rolling cart holding supplies might be what you need. Think through what you want the designated school space to be for and gather furniture.

5)Gather learning tools.

Not supplies. Do not read gather supplies. It’s time to gather learning tools. These might include a map for the wall, a rolling cart for supplies, a whiteboard or chalkboard, a calendar, a globe, a pocket chart or small caddy. Gather tools for your designated school room. Some of these items might come with your curriculum.

6)Set up the school room.

If you like puttering in the home, now is your chance. Take an afternoon or evening to set up the school room. Maybe enlist the help of your spouse. Now is the time to place the map on the wall, put the bookshelf in the corner, lay the rug on the floor, put the alphabet chart up. Set up the school room in a way that will serve you and your kids and enhance the learning experience.

Using the Home for School Spaces

Maybe you don’t have the space to make one part of your home into a school room. That is not a problem. You have plenty of good, usable space all throughout your home.

1)Designate your school spaces.

Retrieve your Simpler Daily Rhythm. Go through each item and decide where you will complete each subject or task. Read alouds on the couch? Art projects at the kitchen counter? Science experiments in the basement? Where does it make sense to gather?

I said it in the Designated School Room section, but I will say it again. If there is one thing I learned while teaching in public school and at home, transitions can make or break school days. If we want our homeschooling days to be less hectic and more calm (especially if schooling multiple kids), I suggest grouping together items that can be done in the same space. For example, we do our devotion, calendar, language arts lesson, and read aloud back to back in our school room. We do all our seat work at the dining room table. Kids need to move, but the fewer transitions between spaces, the easier your day will flow.

school spaces

2)Designate school storage.

Although you aren’t using a designated school room, you will still need school storage. Curriculum, art supplies, books, and other materials will need a place to live. This can simply be a closet or a bookshelf. Designate it now, organize it later. One tip while choosing where your school storage will be: try to choose a place where it can be out of sight for weekends and days or weeks off. I’ve found having supplies out of sight on non school days really helps us think of it as a family day and not a school day.

3)Gather learning tools.

Since you do not have a designated school room, you won’t need to gather furniture, it is already there for you in your kitchen, dining room, back patio, living room or family room. However, you might want a bookshelf or rolling cart for supplies, a globe for geography, or containers to house curriculum. No need to gather supplies just yet, only learning tools that will help your homeschool day run smoother.

A Simpler Homeschool will look different in every home. What makes it simpler is that it is intentionally thought through and the spaces function well for you and your family.

Tell me: where will your school spaces be this year?