A Simpler Motherhood

A Quick Reset

Spring is in full swing.  Rain, mud, and the occasional snow or sighting of sun is making up these last days of March.  Whatever the weather brings outside, springtime is always a great time to reset, refocus, and open up the windows for some fresh air while I do a little spring cleaning.

Before I can dust the cobwebs and mop the salt off the floor in our mudroom, I like to do a quick declutter.  A reset.  It doesn’t take long to prepare my home.  I put the reset on my calendar and to-do list.  Two 15-30 minute sessions always leaves my house a bit tidier and easier for me to clean surfaces and nooks and crannies.

The Reset

1.  Clear surfaces.

Maybe you still have Christmas decorations out.  Or maybe Valentine’s Day?  Easter?  A great time to do this would be after this upcoming Easter weekend.  I clear all the surfaces in my main living areas: the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the entry.  I box everything up or put it in an empty cupboard.  As I clear each surface, I quickly decide if I need to keep each item.  If not, it goes in the donation box in the basement. I don’t think a lot about it, I just decide if it’s useful or beautiful and move on.

I keep my surfaces clear for about a week or so and slowly bring things back in, once each surface is clean.  This helps me to really decide if I want an item in the space this spring.  Also, this ties into quieting the home, something I did after Christmas.

2.  Make a quick sweep through kid rooms.

I am not talking about a big overhaul here.  I go through each room with a box or bag in hand and take out everything unnecessary: a hoard of books under the bed that hasn’t been looked at in awhile, random Kleenex (I know, gross), small knick knack toys forgotten on dressers or in tubs.  I donate whatever is unnecessary and try and quickly put everything back in it’s place.  I also make a pass through my husband and I’s bedroom, closet, and bathroom.

3.  Go through the winter gear.

During the winter I try and not look too closely into my kids’ drawers in our mudroom that hold mittens, hats, shoes, and boots.  It’s just not worth the loss of my sanity.  But now it’s time to look (ugh) and take out any unused shoes or accessories so I can give the drawers a good vacuuming and wiping out when it’s time to spring clean.  I will put away all their winter gear except for their coats hanging on their hooks.  We live in the midwest, so if it’s above freezing coats, hats, and mittens are optional.

4.  Paper

Paper doesn’t affect my spring cleaning much, but I try and go through the kids’ artwork and random papers I haven’t decided on in the junk drawer and purge.  It’s a good way to start fresh with new art this spring.

5.  Cleaning Closet

The last thing I do is double check my cleaning closet.  I go through everything that sits on the shelves to see if there is anything that needs to be tossed or recycled.  Earth 911’s article on how to dispose of cleaning products has helped me know what to do with supplies I no longer need or use. There may even be some items I need to pick up and I record those so I have everything I need I’m ready to do a deep spring clean.

A reset is something I do a few times a year and right before spring cleaning is my favorite time to do it.  Grab a bag or box or both and declutter areas in your home so you are ready for this hopeful new season of spring.


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