A Simpler Motherhood

My Spring Capsule Wardrobe

Spring is officially upon us, at least the calendar tells us it is.  Here in the midwest we are finally getting some temps above freezing and the snow has almost all melted (which is no small feat after the winter we have had). On the farm, we are waist deep in mud, but the sun has been shining and we will dry out eventually. Our neighbors in Nebraska haven’t been as lucky. We are praying for them as they navigate the devastating flooding. Needless to say, we are ready for spring.

For me, spring and fall are the hardest capsule wardrobes to curate.  Mainly because it feels like there are two or three seasons in one.  When I was creating my spring capsule, I tried to think all the way through May.  I have items I am wearing a lot right now and some items I probably won’t wear much for a month or so.  This isn’t a strict, no-buts-about-it-wear-only-what-you-picked-back-in-March spring capsule.  There is a very good chance I will switch some things out when the weather warms and my arms and legs are able to see and feel the sun.  

I am also pregnant so my body is growing and changing constantly, so most of my items are chosen because they have room to grow.  I’ve mentioned this lots before, but I’m not aiming for a specific number of items in my closet, just enough for me.  

spring capsule wardrobe

Here is what is included in my spring capsule wardrobe:

1 jean jacket

1 zip up jacket

5 long sleeve tunics

7 t-shirts

1 cardigan

1 dressy tank top

5 sweaters (I have a feeling these will get put away at the beginning of May.)

1 long sleeve jean top

1 kimono

1 hooded pull over

4 dresses

2 pairs of leggings

3 pairs of jeans

Again and completely by accident, I ended up at 33 items, the same number Courtney Carver uses in her Project 333. My list does not include shoes or jewelry, while Carver dresses with 33 items total including shoes and jewelry.

I’m curious, are you creating a capsule wardrobe for this spring? I would love to know!

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