A Simpler Motherhood

Finish the Homeschool Year Strong

It’s the time of year when the end of the school year is in sight. Studies are slowly wrapping up and our attention is moving towards the long summer days and what next year will bring. While this is true, let’s finish this homeschool year strong. Let’s dig in, motivate our people, and have lots of fun these last weeks of school.

Finish the Homeschool Year Strong

I get antsy this time of year. I’m thinking about a million things: the garden, summer plans, next school year, soccer, playdates, holiday celebrations. And oh yes, school as well. While it is so tempting to move onto the next thing, I know I need to focus and finish the year strong with my people.

Here are a few ways to add a spark to the last weeks of school and finish strong.

Interest Led Learning

This year a friend gave me the idea for an interest led last month of school. Each kid has chosen something to study and we will dive deep into those topics the next few weeks. It’s one small way we can finish the year on a high note: learning about things we are interested about while having lots of fun.

My oldest wants to study great white sharks, while my kindergartener wants to learn about sting rays, and my four year old chose turtles. We will go to the zoo, watch documentaries, read some books, and do our best to immerse ourselves in these topics. I have absolutely no idea how it will go, but am excited to try something new.

Interest learning is exactly what it sounds like: learning about something you are interested in. If you want to try this concept, begin by asking your kids what they would like to learn about and then…doing it. You all will learn along the way. Check out books from the library, visit destinations in your area that will lead to more learning, invite a friend of family member ‘expert’ to talk to your kids about the topic, watch documentaries or YouTube videos. Make it work for you and your kids and be sure to have fun with your studying.

All About Field Trips

Maybe your family has studied incredibly hard this year and needs a change of scenery. Find destinations in your area to visit and explore. Museums, trails, zoos, gardens, aquariums, nature preserves, parks. This time of year is perfect to put the curriculum aside and go out to see the world. A field trip can incorporate all kinds of subjects in a fun, hands on way.

Read, read, read

We all know how important reading aloud to our kids is for learning, brain development, and connection. Focus on reading to finish the homeschool year strong. Make a goal to read a stack of books together each day. Or come up with a challenge as a family to read a certain number of books and tracking your progress. Maybe even read a book and then watch the movie. Some good ones: Little House on the Prairie, The Wizard of Oz, The BFG, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Heidi.


Maybe the last few months have been hard. You can feel the connection between you and your kids has been tough. I get it because I’ve been there. I’ve made the mistake too many times to put the curriculum and book work before connection. If you’re feeling that way now, focus on connection these last few weeks. Take each child on a one-on-one date. Begin a Morning Basket, enjoying slow time together each day. Look each of your children in the eyes and really see them. Make family dinner times a priority. Whatever connection looks like for you and your kids, make it happen.

Be sure to Celebrate

Whether you do anything on this list or not, be sure to celebrate the completion of the school year. Commemorate the way you and your kids have worked hard. Recognize the hours, the books, the math concepts learned, the way you didn’t lose your cool when everything seemed to be going wrong. Take a day and celebrate you and your people.

For our family, our last day celebration looks like taking a picture, putting the supplies away, having a fun dinner, and getting a new book for summer reading. For others it will look like ice cream sundaes or a trip to the park or having a program for Grandma and Grandpa. Celebration is a way to recognize and honor the school year and move forward into summer.

For many of us, the school year is coming to an end. How will you finish the homeschool year strong?

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