A Simpler Motherhood

Mins Game Recap

Well, friends, I made it through the Mins Game and this is my Mins Game Recap. I decluttered 465+ things from our home. That doesn’t include all the stuff my kids and husband decluttered. While they didn’t make it as long as I did, it was a team effort and a lot of stuff left our home in September. We all feel lighter.

It seemed fitting to wrap up the Mins Game on my husband’s birthday: September 30. We celebrated him big and I made a semi-corny toast to my family for the way they love me and roll with my crazy ideas. They’re the best.

Mins Game Takeaway

While I could analyze and synthesize the things I learned the past month, it all boils down to this:

Our family is blessed with more than enough.

Our family has what we need to live a full life. We have enough clothes for our bodies and food for our bellies. We have a warm, cozy home to enjoy dinners around the table and restful sleep at night. Unlike many, we have toilet paper and running water and dishes and toys and computers and pillows and books and…each other. Most importantly, we have each other.

While I slowly let go of a lot this past month, when I really think about it, none of it matters. None of it matters as much as the people amongst the stuff. The Minimalists say: Love people, use things. And if I re-learned anything this month, it’s that mantra.

I could play the Mins Game every month for the next year and still have enough. Because I would still be with my people and we would still have clothes and a home and food. And that is enough.

While I absolutely am not going to do that (Kevin cheers), I gain comfort knowing my value, my future, my hope, my life is not found in the stuff in my home. It’s in my faith and the people I love. My people.

We are blessed with enough.

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