A Simpler Motherhood

22 Simplifying Tasks for 2022: Part 1

New. Fresh. The Present. 2022.

It’s a new year, a fresh start, and there is no better time than the present to simplify and begin anew. Today I’m sharing 22 Simplifying Tasks for 2022: Part 1. Since 22 tasks would be overwhelming, I have broken this post into two parts and Part 2 will go live next week. Some of these tasks are decluttering projects that may take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and some tasks are simple ideas to make room for the good stuff.

My biggest hope in sharing these tasks is to motivate us all (myself included) to take one step towards a simpler life and make more time for what really matters. If nothing on this list speaks to you, let this compilation inspire you to create your own task or tasks to take on in 2022.

22 Simplifying Tasks for 2022: Part 1

1. Declutter the junk drawer.

Pull everything out. Get rid of old documents, broken pens, parts for an unknown something. Only place things back in the drawer that are supposed to be there and organize in a way that makes sense for you. If you followed along with the Post Christmas Purge, your junk drawer is already decluttered.

2. Take a walk.

It’s cold. I get it. It takes a little extra motivation for me to get out and walk when it’s below freezing. But, bundle up, crank up your favorite podcast, and get moving. Maybe even try and walk a few times a week to get the blood flowing. The fresh air and sunshine always give me a renewed perspective. I whole heartedly believe walking is the number one thing I can do for my health right now.


3. Tackle the shoes.

How many pairs of shoes are enough? This question needs to be answered before completing Tackle the Shoes. After deciding how many pairs of shoes each member of your family needs, make it happen. Only have shoes out that are used in the current season. Box up the flip flops and mules for spring and put them on a shelf or in a closet with a label. Leave out only the shoes your people are wearing right this second. This task leads to less shoe chaos.

4. Delete old podcasts.

If you’re like me, my podcast app is full of variety. And that’s absolutely not a bad thing. But there are times I have too many podcasts I’m subscribed to and am only listening to half of them. Although these aren’t taking up physical space, we see them every time we open up our app. If you’re anything like me, these unlistened to podcasts can cause subconscious feelings of guilt and urgency and even stress. Go through and delete podcasts that aren’t consistently playing in your ears. If you’re in a podcast rut someday in the future, you can always go back and resubscribe.

5. Declutter cosmetics and hair products.

We all have a random cosmetic or hair product that just didn’t work for us. If you’re like me, you sometimes hold onto said product for an exorbitant amount of time hoping that it might work someday. But that someday doesn’t come and it’s still in a drawer in the bathroom. Ruthlessly declutter cosmetics and hair products. Most cosmetics and hair products have a shelf life of a year after opening. Anything over a year that isn’t used at least monthly can go. I’m always shocked how this one little task frees up so much space.

6. Find 10 minutes for what fills you up.

We’re all busy. Life and work and kids and basketball practice and laundry. I get it. But we can’t do all these things on an empty tank. Find 10 minutes that are all your own each day and do something that fills you up. Walking? Reading a book? Sitting in the quiet? Praying? Drinking a hot cup of coffee or tea? Calling a friend? Find 10 minutes, put it on your calendar, and make it happen.

7. Plan an adventure.

Plan an adventure with your people, your spouse, or a group of friends. A summer road trip. A weekend at a water park. A few days off the grid. An adventure equals uninterrupted time and memory making with your people and I promise it’s always worth it.  Simply planning and anticipating an adventure can make you happier.

8. Do a quick clothing declutter.

Is there anything you or your kids haven’t worn so far this winter season? While now might not be the best time to do a complete winter overhaul, it might be a good time to let go of things you know you won’t wear this season. By donating winter clothing now, others can get use out of them during these cold months.

9. Clean out the car.

Our car is either clean or a disaster. There isn’t a lot of in-between. It’s hard to beat the clean car feeling. Take some time and take all the junk out, wipe down surfaces and vacuum, and then only put back what needs to go back in. We keep wipes, an extra diaper for my youngest, and jackets in the car. Although usually there is a LOT more than that in there, when it’s clean that’s what’s left.

10. Get rid of 10 things.

The easiest way to make you feel lighter: Get rid of 10 things and have your family join you. This is simple, straightforward, and elicits the least amount of groans when it comes to decluttering. Dangle some ice cream or hot cocoa when you’re done and it can be a very pleasant experience for everyone.

11. Say yes to your kids when you want to say no.

I’m going to end with this one because it’s extremely important, but also extremely hard. I’m preaching to my own little choir here. As we ease back into real life after Christmas, let’s give our kids a little extra love and grace. Take a baby step this week and say yes to one thing you would normally say no to. Yes to one more book before bed. Yes to playing cars on the floor. Sure to a trip to the playground when it’s freezing. Very well to the lollipop at the grocery store. Let’s love on our kids a bit this week as we all get back to the real world.

11+11=22 so this is where Part 1 will end for this week. Next week I will be back with 11 more Simplifying Tasks for 2022. What is one thing you can do this week to make life a bit simpler?

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