A Simpler Motherhood

What I’m Loving in February

We are in the in-between place. The place between the long days of winter and the promise of spring. There is much to love about being almost done with winter, but also things to savor about these slow, cold days. Here is What I’m Loving in February.

What I’m Loving in February

The Occasional Collective

Shopping local and small is something I try and do when I can. Our neighbor opened a little shop not far from our house and it is THE cutest. The Occasional Collective is full of small shop goods and is a beautiful, can’t-help-but-be-happy place. Some of my favorite goodies I have picked up are my Iowa t-shirt and this parmesan garlic pasta. I know I will be frequenting this little shop when I am on the hunt for the perfect gift.

Getting outside

I’m sure you’re sick of hearing me talk about walking. If you are annoyed by it, skip to the next paragraph. Truth be told, this is the winter I have gotten outside the most in my adult life. I have walked (almost) everyday, below freezing or not. It has been life giving for me and something that resets my perspective. I come away from my walk more calm, more grateful, and less stressed.

Winter Travel

One thing our family prioritizes is travel. We forego other things to make it happen and we usually travel more in the winter because we like to be warm and Iowa isn’t the warmest place in February. Travel allows us ample family time. It connects us and offers us shared experiences. Travel is a piece of our family’s story and it’s something we don’t take for granted.

Sorel Boots

Okay, this is silly, but true. For Christmas I received a pair of the Sorel Out ‘N About boots and they have been my go-to all winter long. I wear them with leggings, jeans, joggers, everything. They keep my toes warm and make me look cooler than I actually am.

Meet Ups

Meet ups have been life giving for me this past month. Impromptu playdates, birthday parties, cooking club, coffee dates. I know things are still weird and hard, but being in the same space with others has been essential to my well being this past month.

In the month of love, what are you loving in February?

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