A Simpler Motherhood

What I’m Loving in April

Spring is (finally) starting to make an appearance. It hasn’t been the warmest April ever, but things are still turning green, seeds are getting planted, and the promise of warmer days are close. Here is What I’m Loving in April.

What I’m Loving in April


Color is everywhere. Yellow daffodils, blue skies, green grass, rosy robins, and our not-so-little yellow and black chicks. While every spring I expect the brown and gray to come alive again, my senses are always in awe at the onset of color. In just a few weeks we will plant more of our garden, including loads of zinnia seeds and I am dreaming of the purples, reds, and pinks that will border our yard in the not so distant future.


I acknowledge pork is a weird thing to be loving in April. However, it’s true. We ordered a pig from one of Kevin’s co-workers and picked it up from the locker this month. Brats, pulled pork, bacon, and pork sausage have been on the grill and in the oven on repeat. (Bacon and cheddar quiche is a favorite.) There is nothing like fresh meat. If you’ve never visited a small town locker or meat shop, I highly recommend it. To take it a step further, find a farmer to purchase the meat from and have it processed locally. You won’t regret it.

Soccer Games

I’m a soccer mom and boy do I love it. I’m not sure why it’s unexpected, but it is – how much I love watching my kids do something they enjoy. My two oldest kids are playing soccer this spring and we have loved every minute of it – win or lose. I never played soccer growing up, but I am finding a lot of joy in watching my kids play this game.

Anticipating May

I love a reason to celebrate and May is a month of celebration. For our family, we will be celebrating the wrapping up of the school year in a few short weeks. My husband and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary at the end of May. There is a wedding, Mother’s Day, and a few other birthdays and anniversaries in between. I am excited to celebrate next month!

More Reading

Last week I started digging into the book The Enchanted Hour by Meghan Cox Gordon. We have always been readers at our house, but this book is challenging me to read aloud more to my kids as well as enjoy books on my own. I finished reading Yellow Wife and am currently enjoying The Hideaway for my fiction read. The kids and I are reading a plethora of spring themed books from Sarah MacKenzie’s May booklist. What are you reading right this minute?

Color, pork, soccer, and books. That is just about as random as it gets. What are you loving in April?