A Simpler Motherhood

Here’s to the Good Moms

There is no way to be a perfect mom and a million ways to be a good one. -Jill Churchill

We want to be good moms. We want to love, care for, give to, encourage, raise up, and help our babies to flourish. And while we all make mistakes and none of us can claim to be perfect, there are ways every day we are good moms.

Here’s to the Good Moms

Here’s to the mom who has slept 4 hours in the last 3 days. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom who scraped melted fruit snacks off the sides of the car seat. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom who got an extra shot in her drive thru coffee this morning. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom reading one more Bible story. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom being patient when her initial reaction is to respond in frustration. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom playing the Encanto soundtrack again. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom praying over her babies. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom picking up a screaming toddler from the floor of Target, the bathroom, Grandma’s house, Chick-fil-A. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom letting her kids play with play dough. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom counting to three before speaking to her preteen. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom working outside the home and being present with her kids inside the home. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom reading the books, listening to the podcasts, asking the friends about the teen years. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom driving kids to soccer and church and piano and football and all the things. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom on her knees asking for guidance. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom rediscovering something she is passionate about. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom loving her kids through the hard, the ugly, the stuff no one likes to talk about. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom scheduling an appointment for her kid to speak to a therapist. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom going away for a night or a weekend to recharge. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom talking to her kids about love and boyfriends and girlfriends and sex. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom forsaking her skinny jeans for mom jeans because her daughter insisted. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom forcing her eyelids to stay open until her kids get home. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom holding back tears everyday and preparing to let her baby fly the nest and graduate. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom loving her kid from across the state with texts, visits, and care packages. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom rejoicing (and also crying) when a child gets engaged. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom letting her kid struggle and make mistakes and fall. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom surprising her daughter with a visit and a coffee. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom traveling with her kids so they can spend uninterrupted time together. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom loving and showing up for her kid even when he/she has done the unthinkable. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom pouring into her grand babies: teaching them, loving them, showing up for them. You’re a good mom.

Here’s to the mom pointing her kids to Jesus over and over and over again. Even when they don’t listen. And roll their eyes. Even when she feels like giving up. You’re a good mom.

There is no way to be a perfect mom and a million ways to be a good one.

Let’s build each other up. Encourage and love one another. Let’s point each other to truth and to Jesus.

Tell your mom, your grandma, your sister, your friend, your neighbor: You’re a good mom.

More Motherhood encouragement: Moms Matter, Let’s Talk About You

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