A Simpler Motherhood

A Day in the Life

It’s easy to forget and it’s easy to remember. These words are so true for me. There are times I can’t remember what I ate last night for dinner and yet I have vivd memories from twenty years ago. Dear reader, you will probably read this and find nothing extraordinary. And that’s okay. My purpose in sharing A Day in the Life is quite selfish. I want to remember these sweet days at home with my babes. Days I will forever cherish and hopefully never forget. I also hope it will inspire you to find a small way to document an (extra)ordinary day in your own life.

A Day in the Life

5:45: Kevin’s alarm goes off. I wake up and do a Motivated workout outside while I watch the sun rise. I take my first walk of the day.

6:25: I weed and water the garden. It sure is looking pretty today.

7:00: I take a cold shower because a good friend is taking them and I thought I would try it. It was cold and I am awake.

7:15: The kids are up and I cuddle with them on the couch. It’s one of my favorite times of day.

7:45: As the kids do chores, I clean up the kitchen and help Luke pack for camp with his grandparents.

8:15: Although I’m not an accountant, I do our farm’s books. I head downstairs to do some work while the kids play. I get interrupted 5-10 times with random requests and complaints.

9:15: The kids and I head outside to look for monarch caterpillars with no luck. We watch Abel take a swim in the creek.

10:00: The kids let the chickens free range while I pull weeds in the garden.

10:20: The kids color while I make a meal plan for next week.

11:00: We eat lunch early. The menu consists of sandwiches, peppers, cucumbers, and cheese sticks.

11:30: The kids run outside to play while I clean the kitchen and fold laundry.

12:00: I head outside to hang with the kids and water the zinnias.

12:15: Luke and I go inside so he can finish packing. There is an argument between kids and we sit down to have a pow wow.

1:00: It’s time for reading lessons and screen time. Lily reads Little House on the Prairie to me while Luke reads to the boys.

1:30: While the kids do their screen time, I walk around the house with a repairman who will fix some storm damage.

1:45: The kids head to quiet time and I cuddle with Jack before his nap.

2:10: Kevin’s parents get here to take Luke to Cyclone camp. We say goodbye.

2:25: I work on a homeschool project for the first day of school and write out what my ideal day would look like when school is in session.

3:30: I get my second walk in for the day while the kids play outside.

4:15: We all have a popsicle break.

5:00: I am starting to work on being unplugged for a few hours during family time each night. I put my devices away as Kevin gets off work.

5:30: We take a family walk and Lily finds a monarch caterpillar.

6:00: Dinner is late tonight. I prep broccoli to be roasted and hot dogs and brats to be grilled.

6:45: We eat dinner then immediately do baths and brush teeth.

7:20: We watch the Tour de France recap as a family.

8:00: I read the Bible to the kids and Kevin prays for us.

8:10: The marathon begins of putting kids to bed. We read books with each of them and take some time to cuddle.

8:45: I tidy the house and make a list for tomorrow.

9:10: Kevin and I plop down on the couch and hang out a bit before bed.

10:00: Lights out for everyone.

It was fun to read last summer’s Day in the Life. These might be my favorite posts.

What can you do today to remember your current season?

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