A Simpler Motherhood

3 Ways to Take Control of the Clutter

We all know what clutter is, it’s the stuff, the piles, the things that get in our way. Merrian-Webster defines clutters as: a crowded or confused mass or collection. Clutter is the thing that gets in the way of us being able to do the things. It’s usually unimportant stuff or stuff we just don’t have the energy or time to deal with.

Clutter can lurk anywhere in the house, but today I want to hang out in the main living areas. If the main areas where we do life are full of clutter, it will be hard to live the way we want to live and be in relationship with the people who live under our roof.

Here are 3 ways to get control of the clutter in our homes today.

Clear a surface and keep it clear.

We all have, on average, 300,000 items in our homes. I’m wondering how much of that stuff is clutter? When I look from where I’m sitting on the couch, I see mostly clear counters, but then I see an unused Kleenex on the dining room table, papers on the bar counter from the mail today, and the kids’ cars and toys still scattered on the rug from before nap. These things aren’t bothering me because my main surfaces are clear. Eight years ago in our old house where we lived without kids, the surfaces were full of decorations, kitchen gadgets, mail and random papers: all things we had to move if we wanted to sit down and have a meal together. Today our island counter is a clutter free zone. Currently our Easter tree is sitting on it, but the rest of the space is clean. It’s where I prepare meals and where we eat together, so it just makes sense for that surface to stay clear.

What is one surface you use daily where you have to move things to use it? Focus on that specific surface. Make it a goal to have the surface clear each and every day, except for when you need to use it. I had a friend tell me a few years back her dining room table was where her family spent the most time. She put a tablecloth on it and kept one small napkin holder in the middle of her table. Every night she cleared the table and left only the napkin holder. It made her feel good to see the surface clear and allowed her family to use the space in a way that served them. Having one designated clear surface where you can work, eat, and live makes a difference.

Go through the mail everyday.

We all get mail, some of us more than others. One thing that has really helped me eliminate clutter on our surfaces is to go through the mail as soon as it comes into the house. I don’t sort it and put it in envelopes or cute storage containers. I open it right away, sort it, and recycle the junk and deal with the rest. If it is a bill that needs to be paid or a letter from a friend, I open and read it right away. Letters and notes are read and placed in a special basket while bills are looked over and either paid right away or put by my laptop and put on my to-do list for the next day. I try and not let mail sit unopened on the counter if I can help it. Usually Kevin has a few things, so I put them in a pile where he lays his briefcase and he looks at them when he gets home.

Agency Sales Magazine reports that we never use or look at 80% of the papers and information we keep. If you’re anything like me, I am more likely to ignore a big pile of papers than a small, manageable pile. A study done by Dr. Ferrari of DePaul University in Chicago even backs this up, saying procrastination is closely tied to clutter. If we tackle the mail everyday, we will eliminate clutter.

Keep fewer toys out.

If you’re a mom and have kids with toys, this could work for you. I have spoken with so many moms who have the problem of keeping toys out of the main living places. And I get it because I have had the same problem.

Our kids are part of our families and we want them to feel our home is a place they can play and be themselves. I enjoy watching the kids play on the rug in my living room while I’m cooking dinner or cleaning up the kitchen. The problem always comes when it’s time to pick up because there are a plethora of toys out and who wants to pick all those up? Not me and not my kids.

What I have found to work is keeping fewer toys at kids’ fingertips. The fewer toys they have to get out, the fewer toys strewn all over the house and the fewer toys to pick up. I am not trying to deprive our kids here, but less toys can sometimes mean more engagement and definitely less clutter. British research found the average 10 year old owns 238 toys, but plays with only 12 on a daily basis. My kids are not playing with all of their toys everyday anyway, so why not cut back on the toys at their fingertips?

Currently, in our living room there is one basket of manga tiles and one small basket of toy cars. These get played with on the regular. I rotate wooden blocks and mega blocks to switch things up.

We have a small playroom/school room off our main living area that houses the rest of the shared toys. There are some books, a play kitchen, and a bookshelf with 4-6 baskets of toys. These toys get rotated every month or so from our toy closet.

A couple advantages for keeping fewer toys out:

  1. Kids get to play with ‘new’ toys every month or so when toys are rotated.
  2. There are fewer toys to pick up and less toy clutter around the house.

If you are ready to get the toy clutter under control, I think the first place to start is the main living area. Only keep a few toys there that are played with often. They can be stored in baskets or an ottoman so the living room doesn’t look like a playroom. Wherever the rest of the toys are housed, only keep about one third of them out. Designate a toy closet or a bin where the rest of the toys are kept. Every month or so rotate toys out so kids have ‘new’ toys, but less mess to pick up. I can’t stress enough how this has saved my sanity!

What is one thing you can do today to remove clutter in your home? According to the National Soap and Detergent Association, eliminating clutter would also eliminate 40% of the time spent cleaning the average American home. Yes, please. That statistic motivates me every time I read it.

Tell me, how do you take control of the clutter in your home?

A Day in the Life

Will I remember what I did on an ordinary day 20 years from now? It’s quite possible I won’t, unless I write it down. The Art of Simple blog, founded by Tsh Oxenreider, has inspired me to write down an ordinary day in my current phase of life. My hope is it will inspire others to do the same, as well as give me a glimpse into what my daily life looked like 20 years from now when I just can’t remember.

My Day in the Life looks like chaos, a bunch of deep breaths, and some mini victories scattered throughout the minutes and meals. I’m a stay at home mom raising three children 6, 4, 2 with one baby boy due in August. We live in rural Iowa with just enough space my kids can scream at the top of their lungs and there is a good chance no one’s ears but mine will endure it. My oldest, Luke, is doing kindergarten at home with me this year and our middle child, Lily, is completing preschool at home as well. Our youngest, Jude, tags along on all our adventures. Our life is simple and messy and full of chaos and love. For better or worse, here is our day in the life…

a day in the life

5:50 – My alarm goes off. I lay there for five minutes thinking about the day ahead and then get up, make the bed, stretch on the floor for a few minutes, and take a shower. After my shower, I start a load of laundry.

6:17 – I fill up my water pitcher for the morning and get homeschool supplies out for the day. I sit on the couch with my Bible, laptop, and daily notebook. I read about Paul, pray, and write 5 things I’m grateful for.

6:47 – Lily gets up and cuddles with me on the couch while I catch up on Marco Polo. I also order Luke’s math curriculum for next year and pay a few bills. Lily puts her hand on my belly and feels the baby kick. Her sleepy eyes in the morning always get me.

7:10 – Kevin gets Luke and Jude up. I start breakfast for the kids: mini pancakes and yogurt and Cheerios for them, eggs and toast for me.

7:55 – The kids finish breakfast and get dressed while I clean the kitchen. They start playing while I hang up laundry from the washer and put another load in.

8:15 – Luke is completing a plane puzzle and I read him a book for social studies as well as our novel at the moment: The Family Under the Bridge. Lily sits next to me while I read and Jude is playing with cars.

8:45 – I change Jude’s diaper and get him dressed. The kids ask me to help them with their kangaroo and shark costumes. I go to vacuum downstairs and the kids follow me down, in costume, and play music on the keyboard. I post a video on Instagram stories. A few minutes later, I find Luke and Lily in Lily’s room reading books.

9:20 – The kids meet me in the playroom after the timer goes off. They need a few reminders to get their little behinds there for school. We go through our ‘circle time’ talking about the calendar, letter Y, and read a few poems. The kids share their show and tell. Lily and Jude go downstairs to play and Luke gets his school box and meets me at the dining room table. Luke writes in his journal about his beloved dinosaur stamps and draws a picture. He gets frustrated I can’t figure out ‘shimps’ is ‘stamps’. We dive into math and Luke completes a few pages on skip counting and adding hundreds. Jude runs back and forth from the pantry to me saying ‘Mommmmmaaa’. Lily has somehow changed clothes again, she is on outfit number three.

a day in the life

10:17 – Luke puts his supplies and folder away and I call Lily to the table. Luke takes the whiteboard to copy dinosaur names on it from a book. Lily needs a few reminders to come to the table and she finally comes, without her school box. She goes and gets it and completes her calendar, practices her name a few times and then draws in her journal. Jude gets his scooter out and is spinning around in the kitchen. Lily and I talk about squares and she traces some while Jude and Luke put together a train puzzle.

10:40 – I put school books away and plan our homeschool for next week. I watch a Marco Polo from a friend and then record one while Jude plays next to me on the couch. I can hear Luke and Lily singing ‘Happy Birthday’ from Lily’s room.

11:05 – I start a lunch of peanut butter and jelly with apples and oranges. I make a flatbread cheese pizza for me. I call the kids to the table and lunch is filled with giggles and jokes and me trying to keep their bottoms in their chairs. Jude laughs at Luke and Lily for no apparent reason. Luke and Lily argue over who the daffodils in the vase are pointing to. (Really?)

11:50 – I can’t wait any longer and I turn on the LSU vs. Yale March Madness game while the kids finish up lunch. The kids filled out brackets last night with Kevin. I tell Lily she is cheering for the blue team (Yale) and the rest of us are cheering for the white team (LSU). After the children and kitchen are clean, I sit down on the couch to watch the game. Luke and Lily go to play basketball downstairs and then they join Jude upstairs building with manga tiles.

a day in the life

12:55 – I turn off the game (reluctantly) and have the kids pick up and get ready for nap. I read Jude three train books and put him down for a nap. Luke and Lily each choose a book and I read to them. I cut Lily’s fingernails and then cuddle with her in bed.

1:27 – Luke and I go through his reading lesson on the couch. He chooses to watch Dinosaur Britain for his reward and I doze off (as always) as he finishes it. He uses the bathroom and I walk him to his room.

1:55 – I head downstairs to do some office work for the farm. After I complete a few tasks, I grab my ear buds and head to the backyard to cut back some dead plants in the garden, take the trash out, and check the mail. I listen to Jamie Ivey’s podcast while I work.

a day in the life

2:50 – I gather my laptop, my daily notebook, my brackets and sit on the couch. I multitask by watching the games and finishing up the podcast. Baby Boy starts kicking me like crazy and I stop to take it in. I chug some water and eat a Snickers ice cream bar. After finishing up the podcast, I start a blog post about clutter and write for 30 minutes.

4:02 – I close my laptop and get the kids up. Luke comes right out and starts playing while I cuddle with Lily in her bed. She gets dressed (she changed into pajamas during nap time) and comes out to play with Luke. I get Jude up and we all go outside to ride bikes in the sunshine.

5:20 – We come inside and I change for Journey Group. About 10 minutes later Kevin gets home and his parents come in. I relay a few things about dinner, give kisses, and Kevin and I are out the door.

6:18 – Kevin and I pull into Cellar 19 to get our carry out order and eat. We pick up groceries from Wal-Mart pick-up and then head to Journey Group.

6:55 – We arrive at Journey Group and discuss upcoming social events and then dive into discussing Paul and the early church.

8:15 – We leave Journey Group feeling filled up.

9:10 – We pull into home, unload groceries, and say good-bye and thank you to Kevin’s parents.

9:20 – I wash my face and pick up the kitchen and living room. I sit down to watch a bit of March Madness with Kevin and my phone tells me to go to bed.

9:45 – Kevin and I head to bed. It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep tonight. My body is tired and I know it needs the rest because there is a good chance I will wake in the middle of the night feeling those sweet baby kicks.

If you made it all the way to the end, you are a trooper! Thanks for sticking with me.

Tell me, what does your ordinary day look like? An easy way to track your day is to use the ‘notes’ app on your phone and take notes throughout the day. I plan on doing this once a year so I’m able to look back and catch a glimpse into my life at each and every stage. What do you think, are you in?

My Spring Capsule Wardrobe

Spring is officially upon us, at least the calendar tells us it is.  Here in the midwest we are finally getting some temps above freezing and the snow has almost all melted (which is no small feat after the winter we have had). On the farm, we are waist deep in mud, but the sun has been shining and we will dry out eventually. Our neighbors in Nebraska haven’t been as lucky. We are praying for them as they navigate the devastating flooding. Needless to say, we are ready for spring.

For me, spring and fall are the hardest capsule wardrobes to curate.  Mainly because it feels like there are two or three seasons in one.  When I was creating my spring capsule, I tried to think all the way through May.  I have items I am wearing a lot right now and some items I probably won’t wear much for a month or so.  This isn’t a strict, no-buts-about-it-wear-only-what-you-picked-back-in-March spring capsule.  There is a very good chance I will switch some things out when the weather warms and my arms and legs are able to see and feel the sun.  

I am also pregnant so my body is growing and changing constantly, so most of my items are chosen because they have room to grow.  I’ve mentioned this lots before, but I’m not aiming for a specific number of items in my closet, just enough for me.  

spring capsule wardrobe

Here is what is included in my spring capsule wardrobe:

1 jean jacket

1 zip up jacket

5 long sleeve tunics

7 t-shirts

1 cardigan

1 dressy tank top

5 sweaters (I have a feeling these will get put away at the beginning of May.)

1 long sleeve jean top

1 kimono

1 hooded pull over

4 dresses

2 pairs of leggings

3 pairs of jeans

Again and completely by accident, I ended up at 33 items, the same number Courtney Carver uses in her Project 333. My list does not include shoes or jewelry, while Carver dresses with 33 items total including shoes and jewelry.

I’m curious, are you creating a capsule wardrobe for this spring? I would love to know!

Friendships Matter in Motherhood

I just got home from lunch with a friend, a rare occurrence these days between homeschooling, changing diapers, feeding little humans, and keeping the Cheerios swept up. A rare occurrence indeed. But when the opportunity came, I knew I must seize it because who knows when the next one will surface. So, I asked a favor from my husband who happened to be home (thank you President’s Day) and scooted out the door to have some hot soup and good conversation.

At lunch we talked about our kids and all the sickness going around. We discussed the snowstorm likely to dump five more inches on our already rather large piles of snow. We chatted about our weekends and then it went a bit deeper as we shared our struggles in our current seasons. I shared my shame for not serving as much as I like in our church and elsewhere. And then it’s as if no one else was around and we encouraged each other, told one another truths, and built each other up. I left lunch feeling filled up, loved, and known.

Friendships while raising littles can be a struggle. And when I stop and think about why, it all comes down to time. Our time is taken up by diapers and preschool and nap time and soccer practice and getting dinner on the table. All things worthy of our time and efforts, but sometimes there seems like there isn’t enough for much else. Friendships can sometimes take a back seat to everything else during this season.

In fact, an online survey done by Child found women spent 14 hours with friends before having kids and just 5 hours with friends after having kids.

But, friends, can I share something with you? I have found it is always worth the sacrifice, the extra work, the screaming kids to make time for friendship. It’s absolutely not easy, but so worthwhile. My friendships are not picture perfect and each one looks different. We don’t see each other as often as we like, but we make the effort. And the effort is what matters.

My friends are who I can share my ridiculous days with, my outlandish kid stories, my struggles and triumphs. They are the ones I turn to for support, encouragement, and love. In fact, when it was taking my husband and I longer than anticipated to conceive our fourth child, it was my friends who I turned to and they showed up. They listened and pointed me towards truth and loved me where I was at.

Friendships seem to be the first thing to go when life gets overwhelming or there are too many balls in the air. But sometimes it’s those times when we need our friends the most. Going through something hard with strong friendships by my side has taught me to be intentional with the people I choose to do life with and make time for them. They are vital and necessary and important and life giving.

Yes, it can be hard to find the time. Yes, it can be a struggle with kid schedules to juggle. Yes, it is sometimes easier to just stay home and say ‘next time’. But, goodness, when the lunch or playdate works out or (gasp) the stars align and a girl’s weekend is in the books, it always reminds me it’s worth the time, the struggle, the work to make it happen.

Friendships matter, especially in motherhood.

150 People

150 people. Can you count and name each and every person close to you? Would your list be long? Say more than 150 people?

Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist, hypothesized 150 people as being the amount of close, stable relationships a human can maintain. The term used to describe this hypothesis is Dunbar’s number. Since Dunbar’s number was first proposed in the 1990s, he has conducted considerable research to both support and explore this idea further.

When I first heard about Dunbar’s number, I thought 150 was a lot of close relationships to maintain, but then I started counting. When I add up family and friends, the number gets big, quick. Dunbar describes the group of 150 as being ‘the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them in a bar’. When described that way, my introverted self immediately crossed some names off my list. #introvertsamiright

There are more details to Dunbar’s hypothesis including the layers of relationships. He describes the first layer as being five people with whom you are closest with (probably family members and best friends), followed by layers of 15, 50, and then 100 people. Different articles have cited the max number of close relationships can be as low as 100 for some people and as high as 250 for more extroverted humans.

Dunbar's number

When I first heard about Dunbar’s number, I was a bit skeptical, but then it came together for me. I asked myself how many people can I maintain relationships with meaning a.) I know what’s going on in their life because b.)we communicate regularly. Everything is relative in this life, so communicating regularly looks a lot different today than it did when I was in college living, breathing, and doing dishes with seven roommates. But, I do believe this definition is a good measure of relationship and I do believe my capacity to maintain stable relationships has possibly diminished since my college days (just a tad). Raising tiny humans will do that to you.

As a mom of three and one on the way, I crave deep, meaningful relationships. I want to truly know someone and for them to know me. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly. I want to be able to tell someone about the day I apologized five times to my kids and the morning I bribed my kids with chocolate bars to not touch a single thing at Hobby Lobby. Honestly, I don’t have a lot of time (or energy) to fake it. And I have found that means the number of meaningful relationships is probably lower than I (or anyone for that matter) would expect. Lower, but better. I’m not sure what Dunbar says about parent-child relationships (or season of life), but I am thinking my children are in my close five, seeing as I spend almost every waking minute with their sweet faces.

With Dunbar’s layering, he leaves room for relationships that don’t go super deep, but are good, fun, valuable, and sometimes necessary. Bottom line: he states you still have a lot of friends, our brains are just wired to be in tight community with a select few.

So my big takeaway from Dunbar’s research?

I want to focus on going deep with those most important to me. I want to make the phone call, write the letter, call my mom, check in with the friend, play with my kids, go on a date with my husband. I want to maintain those relationships, meaning I am in close community with the ones I deeply care for and love. It’s shown me I need to make the effort to love on the ones I love.

What about you? Does this research resonate with you? Why or why not?

Dating in Every Season

I am curled in the side of the couch, legs covered with a blanket, glass of water and husband next to me. He sits a few feet away, his body turned towards mine. All our babies are tucked under their covers and the walls of our house are abruptly quiet.

It’s a Wednesday night and after the flurry of getting the kids in from church, the kids telling Daddy all about their night, and getting them dressed and put to bed, I let out a sigh I didn’t know I had in me.

I roll onto my side and we begin to chat. First about the kids and their milkshakes they ate on the way home. Then about work and school and a trip we want to take. Our conversation bounces around as we actually look at one another and share a thirty minute ‘night cap’ on the couch.

dating in every season

Dating my husband has looked different these past 11 1/2 years, but it is always worthwhile. Dates help us to be on the same page as we navigate this life. It allows us to remember why we decided to spend the rest of our lives together in the first place. It gives us shared experiences and time for real conversations we wouldn’t otherwise be able to have with littles running around our feet. Time together gives us a chance to talk about parenting and family goals and us. Dates help our relationship to stay healthy and thrive. And when our relationship is healthy, it models a good marriage relationship for our kids and supports them in feeling safe and secure in our family. In my experience, dating my husband has been a worthy investment I will make over and over again.

But, I’ll be honest, dates have not always come easy, especially these past six years. We have had three babies in six years and another one will join us in six short months. We have had to be creative in how we connect and intentional with dating each other.

Parenthood looks a lot different from one year to the next. One moment we are running on three hours of sleep and our ‘clean’ shirt has spit up down the front. The next moment we’re shuttling kids to preschool and then soccer games and swim lessons. It all changes so quickly.

In each of those moments of parenthood, I believe there is room for a thirty minute ‘night cap’ with a spouse. Or maybe there isn’t room, but we make room anyway. You see, Kevin and I aren’t even close to being through every parenthood season, yet, but the ones we have been through I know I want him and I to be on the same page. We need to be united, connected, a team. And I have found we can only be a team by spending some time together, usually without the distraction of our sweet blessed children.

Here are some ways we have intentionally made dates work in every season of parenthood:

Have a date after the kids go to bed.

There are about one million ideas out there on how to have a date at home, but I think it’s most important to simply have a date. Put it on the calendar, plan to actually put the kids down on time, and make it happen. I am a big fan of writing things down because I think it actually helps to make the thing happen, hence putting it on the calendar.

Kevin and I have done this many times in different seasons when it was just impossible to get out of the house for a date. All it takes is a little intentionality and maybe a bit of creativity. Honestly, most of our at home dates look like a glass of wine and some uninterrupted conversation. But, creativity breeds creativity so anything goes here. Games, books, a date in a box, take out. I think if we make dates fun and worthwhile for both ourselves and our spouse, it will produce a bigger return on investment.

Have a mini happy hour.

In newborn seasons when we aren’t putting a baby to bed until late at night, we have opted for a mini happy hour. Basically I make a super simple meat and cheese board and we might open a bottle of wine. There have been times we put on a show for the bigs while the baby is taking a nap and have a thirty minute conversation without (much) distraction. We did this when we were in the trenches and we made due the best we could.

Start the day together.

Kevin and I have not personally done this, but I have heard other couples who do it almost everyday. Before the kids get up in the morning, these couples have coffee together, pray and start their day before the kids roll from their beds. If time seems obsolete a little sacrifice may be needed to get up early and squeeze in some time together.

dating in every season

Get out of the house with a kid swap.

This is another one Kevin and I haven’t tried, but I have heard moms rave about it. Basically these moms find another family that lives close by whom they trust. Then they ask if they would be willing to swap kids once a month for a date night. There is not sitter fee AND a date is in the books each month!

Find a good sitter.

Good babysitters are like gold to parents. We have had a few good ones since we have started having kids and it’s always selfishly heartbreaking to see them grow up and get jobs in the real world. But when we have found a good sitter, we will do much to hold onto him/her.

A few tips on how to find a good sitter: look and ask around for middle school girls. Why? Middle school girls still love playing with kids, they don’t have a loaded extracurricular schedule, and they are around through high school. The only downfall of a middle school girl is she won’t be able to drive, but she makes up for it with her enthusiasm. A place to look for these sitters are girls serving at church in the kids’ ministry and nursery. There are some gems hiding in there, just itching to babysit. Finding a good sitter has given us freedom we didn’t know existed with littles at home.

Don’t be afraid to ask.

We have been blessed with some amazing sets of grandparents who are willing to watch our kids. All families are different, but I think it’s worthwhile to ask grandparents for help. Many of them are just waiting to be asked to step in and help.

dating in every season

A shift happened for me when I looked at it from their perspective. When my babies have babies, would I want to be asked to babysit? Yes, yes, YES. It would be an absolute joy and blessing to watch my grand babies someday. Like I said earlier, all families are different, but I think it’s worth an ask.

Dating in our marriage has been one of the best things Kevin and I have done for our marriage and family. It’s not always Instagram worthy, but has definitely been worthwhile. Tell me, how do you date your spouse?

Dating your Kid

‘Let’s go to Target, Chick-fil-A, and then get ice cream. You are the best Mommy!’

I remember specifically a day this past fall when I took my oldest son on a date. It was one of those early September days, there was still a touch of summer in the air. The sun was peeking out from behind clouds and Luke and I had the afternoon completely to ourselves, just him and I.

dates with kids

He had a plan and we were ready to conquer it together. Our first stop was Target, where he used some of his money to choose a new Lego kit to put together. After browsing the aisles and finally landing on the ‘the one’, we headed to Chick-fil-A to eat our weight in chicken nuggets and Luke ran around in the play area for as long as his little heart desired. His cheeks were pink when it was time to go and we headed straight for the ice cream shop. It was nice enough to sit outside and we ate our scoops of chocolate while talking about our favorite parts of the day. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces if you tried and we laughed and took silly selfies and filled our bellies with ice cream as we headed home, hearts and tummies full.

The past few years, dates with our kids have become a priority. With three babes, it’s hard to give them all the attention we would like all the time, so a date is one way we reconnect and intentionally spend time with them one on one. They have been as simple as lunch at Chick-fil-A and as extravagant as dinner at our favorite spot downtown with ice cream after. Whatever it is, the goal is connection and attention.

Every few months, Kevin and I sit down and write quarterly goals. This January, Kevin told me he wanted to work on his relationship with Lily (she is a Momma’s girl through and through). He said he wanted to have a designated day on the calendar for dates with her. In the past, we have randomly done it when the kids seemed to need it or we had time. He decided he wanted to be more intentional about making sure she got some one on one time consistently. So, we went through the calendar and put in their dates, so the idea wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle of everyday life.

Dating your kid is a simple concept, but has been super impactful for our family. Here are a few reasons why we love dating our kids…

One on one time is invaluable.

If you’re a parent with multiple kids, you know getting one on one time with each child has to be intentional or it won’t happen often. Dates allow both Kevin and I to have time to connect with each of our kids without distraction.

dates with kids

It’s an opportunity to go deep.

Our kids are still pretty young (6, 4, 2), but it’s a lot easier to ask some deeper questions when I am alone with Luke or Kevin is alone with Lily. Questions like: Who are your closest friends and why? What gets you excited? What are you scared of? What do you think about Jesus, have you been talking to Him lately? These questions can catapult some good, worthwhile conversations in a safe place.

The kid feels so loved.

This isn’t rocket science, but when I take Luke out for a date, it shows him I love him and value him enough to make time for him. It shows him he is important and worthy of my time and attention. Obviously I want to make him feel this way everyday, but this is an intentional and special way to do it.

It’s a time to teach through experience.

Dates are something most kids will go on someday with a peer. When Kevin and I take our kids on dates, we try and show them how a date should look, how they should be treated and also how they should treat their date. It’s not super sterile, but simple things like you put your napkin on your lap, you open the door for a girl, you have conversation instead of looking at a device; these are things we are hoping to teach them as we take them on dates.

The dates I have gone on with my kids have been some of the most fun, silliest, and memorable moments for me as a mom. With all the distractions of everyday life, sitting across the table from one of my tiny people fills my cup and I’m pretty sure it fills their cup as well.

When I was on that date with my oldest son this fall I could almost see our relationship swelling and growing through our chocolate ice cream cones and silly selfies. I could see it getting stronger as we held hands walking down a cobblestone street to choose our ice cream flavor. I could almost see the foundation being built as we talked about Lego and the pumpkin patch and his upcoming birthday.

dates with kids

For us, the time, energy, and money spent on dates with our kids will always, always be worth it.

Tell me, do you date your kids?

Kid’s Winter Capsule Wardrobes

‘Mom, did you get my T-Rex shirt washed?’ Luke yells from his room. I think back to last night and if I did indeed transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer…crisis averted, I did. I walk to our master bedroom closet which also doubles as a laundry room and there sits his beloved shirt. I tell him it is in his laundry basket as he says, ‘Oh good’ and comes to put it on.

Luke recently went on a date with his Daddy and they picked up that T-Rex shirt in honor of his love for dinosaurs. He has worn it almost every day since. If your kids are anything like my kids, they know what they like. They have favorite shirts, favorite pants, favorite shoes, favorite underwear. They wear what they love as often as they can and that’s why a kid capsule wardrobe just makes sense, at least it does for our family.

About a year ago I started creating capsule wardrobes for my kids and ever since it has been a sanity saver. My big ‘aha’ moment was when I realized my three year old didn’t need 15 pairs of pants or 20 tops for one 3-4 month season. I don’t own 15 pairs of pants, so I’m pretty sure my three year old doesn’t need to have an entire drawer dedicated to the things that cover her legs.

kid capsule wardrobe

Since then, I have pared down each child’s wardrobe so it is manageable with just enough pieces for variety, but not to the point of being overwhelming. Each kid’s closet has only what they can wear at the moment which means clothes that don’t fit or are out of season are in tubs put away rather than in their closets. With three littles, it has helped me to manage our laundry situation (there is always a laundry situation) and has allowed my older babes to dress themselves easily. Here is the process I used to create each child’s capsule wardrobe for this winter…

Decide what you need

Think through what your kids need, what they really need. Some questions to ask yourself:

How many outfits do they need clean at all times?

How often do I do laundry?

What type of clothes do they need for this current season? (Do they need clothes for play? daycare? church? special events? playing outside in the snow?)

After you have answered the above questions, make a list of the items you need including tops, bottoms, dresses, socks, underwear, shoes, outerwear.

See what you have

Now it’s time to sort. Chances are, you have more than enough. Sort through the clothes your child has and choose the items needed for your list you just created. If you have an older child (around 4-5), you might ask for their help here. There might be a few things you do need to purchase, so make a note to start looking for those pieces online, on swap pages, or when you’re shopping.

You could find you have pieces you can donate or sell. If so, put them in a garbage sack or tub and put it on your calendar to get to your donation site sometime in the next week or post on a swap page.

A good friend just told me about a local organization that picks up donations, so if that is a struggle for you, find an organization in your community that will pick up your donations right from your home.

Put together the capsule

When I am putting together a capsule for my kids, I have a few rules. My first rule is I make sure a pair of pants will go with 2-3 tops and a top will go with at least 2 pairs of pants or a skirt. This makes it easier for my kids to choose an outfit to wear without me hovering over them. Another rule is all the clothes get worn. If I know my daughter never wears a certain long sleeve shirt, I might decide to let it go to someone who will wear it. I want all the clothes in the capsule to get worn.

For our family and our lifestyle, our two boys need far fewer clothes than our daughter. Let’s just say the boys are more minimalist (read: they don’t care about clothes) and she is well, a Fancy Nancy (read: she cares about clothes).

kid capsule wardrobe

Here it an example of what is in our six year old son’s winter capsule wardrobe:

3 pairs of jogger pants

2 pairs of jeans

4 long sleeve t-shirts

2 button down shirts

1 sweater

3 pairs of pajamas

1 jacket (He has snow gear as well.)

1 pair of boots

1 pair of high top sneakers

Here is what is in our daughter’s capsule wardrobe for this winter:

4 dresses

5 tunics

2 skirts

3 long sleeve t-shirts

4 pairs of leggings

5 pairs of pajamas

2 jackets (She has snow gear, too.)

2 pairs of boots

2 pairs of high top sneakers

(5 dress up dresses that might as well be considered part of her capsule because she wears them almost daily.)

18 pieces for Luke as opposed to 34 pieces for Lily. And I’m absolutely okay with it. Some people get hung up on numbers when it comes to capsule wardrobes, but I think it’s more about having what you need than a number.

Make the clothes accessible

Maybe you have been binge watching Marie Kondo on Netflix and are currently folding your clothes standing up. Good for you! Or maybe you are like me and are just happy if clothes get sorted by category. Whatever your method, make your clothes easily accessible for you and if you have kids who dress themselves, make sure your littles are able to get them. This means they can reach the clothes both in the closet and in their dressers.

Enjoy your kids’ simplified wardrobes

Your kids should be able to find and dress themselves painlessly without too much fuss thanks to their capsule wardrobes. And you can rest easy knowing your kids have exactly what they need, which usually means less laundry for you. It’s a win-win.

If you’re looking to create a capsule wardrobe for yourself, check out this post.

Tell me, have you curated capsule wardrobes for you or your kids this winter?

Winter Capsule Wardrobe

The first day of winter was back before Christmas, but it always feels to me like winter starts after all of Christmas is packed away. Warm socks, sweaters, and boots come out and we prep to endure the bitterly cold months ahead. In the midwest, these months can be long and gray and cold. They can also be magical with blanket forts, snow angels, twinkle lights, and hot cocoa.

I’ve just recently put together my winter capsule wardrobe. There are more clothing items because more layers are needed when it’s 15 degrees outside (or -15). It’s simple math. However, I took a different approach this time when I was choosing things to keep in my wardrobe. I asked myself one question:

If I were to go shopping today, would I buy this?

This simple question helped me to narrow down my wardrobe considerably and only choose things I really love to put on my body: my trusted gray sweatshirt, my high rise leggings, those thick wool socks, that sweater that matches my eyes. The question afforded me new eyes in which to look at my closet and helped me to finally donate some items I just don’t get excited about anymore.

winter capsule wardrobe

Here is the breakdown of my wardrobe:

5 sweatshirts/comfy shirts

1 dress

3 short sleeve t-shirts

1 dressy tank top

3 cardigans

6 sweaters

2 button down tops

2 vests

2 pairs of leggings

1 pair of skinny black jeans

1 pair of high rise skinny jeans

1 pair of brown ankle boots

1 pair of black ankle boots

1 pair of black knee high boots

1 pair of waterproof boots

1 pair of sneakers

1 winter coat

I didn’t plan it, but somehow I ended up with 33 items, the same number of items for Courtney Carver’s Project 333. If you’re interested, check out her site for more information. It’s a great challenge.

I’m not big on having or not having a specific number of items, but I’m always interested to see how many items there are in my capsule wardrobe.

Have you put together a capsule wardrobe for this winter? I would love to hear.

How to Declutter By Category

Christmas is past, decorations may or may not be put away. Opened gifts, books, and leftover candy may still fill your counters and pantry. Remnants of all we were given could still linger from that beautiful season just a few short weeks ago. A good declutter may be just what’s needed.

January brings the promise of something new. We can be who we want to be, accomplish what we want to accomplish, finally live the life we were meant to live. And I love that feeling, but it just stays a feeling unless we take action. If you are ready to simplify a space or multiple spaces in your home, I want to walk you through how I do a good declutter. Here we go.

Start with a Category

I may or may not lose you here, but stick with me if you can. Start with a category of items. Clothes is a great place to start. Get all your clothes into one space. I like to take them out of my closet and lay them on my bed or just lay them all out in my closet where I can see them. Whatever category of item you choose, get them all in one place. If it’s toys, get all the toys in one room. If it’s kitchen gadgets, place them all on the counters. If it’s books, lay them all out in your office or the dining room.


Now that you have all your items in one place, go through each one. I like to touch each and every item. When I do this I ask myself 3 questions:


These questions make decision making easier. If the answer is ‘no’ to any of the questions above, it is okay to let it go. Make a donate, sell and trash pile and sort accordingly.

Side note: Did you know Americans wear 20% of their clothing 80% of the time? I know we all probably have things in our closet collecting dust, waiting to be worn. If you’re not the person wearing the clothes in your own closet, why not give, sell, or donate to someone who will?

Take it one day at a time

Maybe you do clothes one day, toiletries the next day, you work in the kitchen the next day. Choose one category of items to declutter each day and put it on your to-do list or calendar. If you have a plan and take it one day at a time, you are more likely to make progress. Don’t try to declutter your entire house in one day, you are likely to get overwhelmed. At the end of this post I will share a decluttering challenge printable you can use to go through your home.

Stop bringing things in

If you’re committed to decluttering your home, try and keep things from coming into your home and allowing it to get cluttered again. You could go on a ‘buying fast’ for a month or two and see how it feels or make it a rule that each time you bring something into your home, something else must go. If you want to see the fruits of your hard work, it’s important to stay diligent against clutter coming in again.

What about things I can’t decide on?

My decluttering ambitions have come to a stop before because of items I can’t decide on. Sentimental pictures, special trinkets, old school DVDs. My first tip is don’t start with anything sentimental. Start with the easy stuff like socks and toiletries. You can do the rest later. However, if you come to some items you can’t decide on, simply put them in a box with the date marked on the outside. Look in that box in 6 months and ask yourself if you still need those items. Give yourself some grace to make a decision later so you don’t lose momentum.

Give yourself grace

This is hard, I know. If you’re anything like me, you want to see big changes overnight. You want a quick fix for a lasting change. Unfortunately, that just doesn’t happen very often unless you have a professional organizer from HGTV come knocking on your door. Make a plan, put it on your calendar or to-do list, and take it category by category, day by day. Give yourself grace if you don’t get to your decluttering challenge for the day and move it to the next day. Getting frustrated and overwhelmed will lead to unfinished goals and a house still cluttered. Give yourself grace, friends.


A Plan

If you’re like me, you want a plan. I’ve created a free decluttering challenge printable you can use to go through your home piece by piece, day by day. You can start today or wait until the beginning of a new month. I suggest hanging this printable up where you can see it and highlighting each category after you’ve completed the challenge. I love checking things off!

If you want to start small, consider choosing and tackling one way to simplify today. There are three options of short, doable tasks to jumpstart a simpler lifestyle.

Decluttering your home requires some hard work, but the reward of simpler, clutter-free spaces is always worth it. I’ll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite minimalist authors…

Make the most of the most important place on earth-home. -Joshua Becker

Click here for your free decluttering printable!