You’ll never find something to wear that makes you feel beautiful, smart, or loved if you don’t believe that you already are. –Project 333, Courtney Carver
Such true words. Clothes don’t define us, they don’t make or break us, they don’t even tell others if we are beautiful or not. We do all of those things, with our hearts, our voice, and our actions. Sure, clothes can give us more confidence, can make us feel good in our own skin, can allow us to be creative. But clothes certainly don’t define who we are.
I have struggled finding my style and dressing well over the years. I have made bad calls. Literal bleach-in-the-washing-machine jeans (remember that mom?) and have played it too safe. I have bought shirts and shoes just because they were on sale and taken things to Goodwill with the tags still on. I am still learning how to be comfortable and creative with my clothes and dress for what works for my lifestyle. It’s a process.
Capsule wardrobes have been a thing since Susie Faux coined it in the 1970s. She was the owner of a London boutique called “Wardrobe”. According to Faux, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don’t go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces.
Capsule wardrobes have been on my mind for awhile and although I have been moving in that direction for years, I finally stepped up and decided to give it a go this spring. I have chosen clothes for my capsule wardrobe based on what I absolutely love wearing, what I feel comfortable in, and what pieces go together. I ended up with just under 40 pieces. The rest of my clothes not within the 40 pieces are in storage. All that’s left in my closet is what I have chosen for my capsule wardrobe, thus eliminating the temptation to cheat. Since I am a first-timer and am somewhat experimenting with this, I am giving myself permission to add something if need be. I’m human after all. But, my goal is to make it until June 21 with the items currently in my closet. Also, this wardrobe does not include my workout gear or clothes I wear around the farm to work. I have a few pieces for those categories. It only includes things I will wear outside our home.
Here is the breakdown:
19 tops
2 jackets
1 vest
2 dresses
4 pairs of shoes
5 pants (This includes yoga pants I wear for errands #momlife as well as pants I wear for more ‘dressed up’ occasions.)
2 shorts
1 scarf
Many capsule wardrobes include jewelry, however I am not including jewelry this time. Baby steps, friends!
My goal in using a capsule wardrobe is to make dressing easier as well as to always have something to wear that I feel good in. The next three months will be interesting and hopefully, rewarding.
Tell me, are you implementing a capsule wardrobe this spring? What does it look like for you and your lifestyle?