A Simpler Motherhood

Why I Walk

I have walked almost everyday since January 1st of this year. If you hang out here much, you know I have a 12 month walking goal of 400 miles. And while I may or may not reach my goal, walking has proven to be incredibly life giving for me. Today I’m sharing Why I Walk.

Why I Walk

Growing up I was an athlete as long as I can remember. Running and jumping and shuffling is what my body has been trained to do ever since I was old enough to play an organized sport. While I still do those things for short durations during my early morning workouts, my body has transitioned to needing and craving more low impact movement. This is why I started walking, but I have slowly found many other reasons to walk.

The major reason I made a walking goal this year is because of the mental health benefits. It ensures I have 15-20 minutes everyday of alone time. The introvert in me craves solo time when most of the day is spent with my favorite little people. Currently I walk in the afternoons during quiet time. Walking allows me to recharge and reset for the rest of the day. This sacred 20 minutes helps clear my head so I’m able to take on the rest of the day in a good headspace. Walking makes me a better mom and a better wife. It gives me the mental break I need to finish the day strong.

I remember watching ‘old’ people walk as a young athlete and thinking that will never be me. Never say never. Here I am, in love with a mile stroll around our farm. While I don’t consider myself old, it is true my body is changing and this is one small way I stay physically and emotionally healthy. Most of us have heard all the benefits of walking countless times, but I’m going to recap them both to motivate myself and maybe some of you.

Benefits of Walking

Walking can reduce stress

The Anxiety and Depression Association of American sites walking just 10 minutes can relieve anxiety and depression and improve our mood. Exercise produces mood boosting endorphins, which help regulate our emotions. Walking absolutely can improve our mental health.

Walking improves sleep

Walking, especially outside, boosts the sleep hormone, melatonin. An early morning walk can be a bit more beneficial because it helps set our circadian rhythms to be more awake in the morning and sleepier at night.

Walking improves our health

This is a no brainer, but I thought I should mention it anyway. Walking is great for our cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of heart disease. It lowers our resting heart rate and blood pressure.

Walking also improves our immune systems. One study of over 1,000 men and women showed those who walked 5 days a week for 20 minutes a day had 43% fewer sick days.

A Walking Goal

Beginning a walking habit doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, habits become habits when we start small. Begin by simply walking for 5 minutes a day or walking around the block. When we begin small, we see and feel success and can build upon that success. I try to walk one mile a day, but sometimes it’s cut short to a half mile because someone needs me. But, simply getting out to walk each day is enough for me.

There is a chance I won’t reach my walking goal this year and that’s okay. So far it has done what I wanted it to do: it has gotten me outside to walk, which in turn has improved my mental and physical health. I am so grateful for my daily walk.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. -John Muir

3 thoughts on “Why I Walk

  1. Good for you, Vanessa! I started walking daily two years ago—as of April 30th. As of that time this year, I have walked 1,200+ miles. I haven’t lost weight, but my body is stronger and I have more agility and energy. Walking works! It’s good for mind and body!👍🏻

    1. Wow, Kim! That’s amazing. 1,200 miles is A LOT!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you’re doing well!

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